Chapter 2 |This won't be the last time?!|

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Brandon's POV

The nurse quietly called me outside into the hallway. She didn't bother to ask Rebecca's mom because she was really upset and she was trying to have a conversation with Rebecca. She slowly shut the door behind her.

"Sir, I would like it if you don't bother her by asking her if she remembers you"

I started to fiddle with my zipper on my black sweater.

"Just don't get her overwhelmed please"

I shrugged my shoulders and ran past the nurse, trying to get in to see her but the nurse stopped me.

"You can't go in there Sir!"

"Why because I ask to many questions?! You're a complete idiot! You'll let her mom in there but not me. There's noting in this world that is going to stop me and I am not going to change my mind just to make you happy. I am going in there and I don't care what anyone has to say about it!"

"No that's not it! I'm going to ask her mom to go out in the waiting room in a minute. I would let you in there and same with her mom but another nurse has to go in there now to do a memory test on her. I am sorry!"

"If she doesn't come out of this hospital remembering anything, you'll be sorry"

"Okay! Sir relax"

"I am not relaxing. You have no clue how it feels to have someone you love so much not remembering you!" I shouted and sighed behind me as I walked out through the front doors and pulled my car keys out of my ripped up pockets.

As I walked outside into the parking lot the Sun beamed down on me. It was another hot day in California.

I pointed the keys towards my GMC. My truck is black with the license plate 226 RAB. When I picked out my truck Rebecca came with me. She really liked this one and so did I because the license plate stands for Rebecca and Brandon, in our minds. We both thought is was a really nice way to show our love for each other so that way we would always know that she's the love of my life no matter what and I'm the love of hers.

I grabbed hold of the door handle,it swung open, I jumped up into the driver's seat and put my seat belt around my waist, inserted the key and grabbed onto the stirring wheel.

I slammed on the gas pedal and made my way out onto the highway.

I thought of what happened to Rebecca as soon as I seen all the left over glass on the side of the road. This time yesterday at 8:30 last night Rebecca got in the car accident and I got the call. I thought to myself.

Rebecca and I were invited to a party. I couldn't go because I had a basket- ball game but Rebecca still went without me. When we finished up the game that we LOST I received a phone
call from Rebecca's mom. I opened up my gym bag and took out the phone,

"Come to the hospital right away!"

I was really curious of what could be the problem.

"Okay I'm on the way" I replied in a loud anxious tone. I ended the phone call and made my way out to the hospital in panic. Flashback over! !!! //// end of chapter 2

Sorry if this chapter was a bit confusing with the flashback or it was very sad I just had to add the full story line!!! Stay tuned for chapter 3:)

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