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~~Your Pov~~

"You're sure you're going to be fine?" Offender asks me for what feels like the millionth time.

I'm not entirely sure what's going on but I know I need you leave and go somewhere. I can feel it in my soul. Someone or something needs me and I have to go. I told Offender about it and he mentioned that it might be a job. Since we now know I'm a guardian angel chances are pretty good I have souls on Earth to lookout for.

"I'll be fine," I tell him once more. "I'll be back. I'll have my phone on me, it'll be fine."

"Okay," Offender sighs. "Good luck."

I give him a smile before I vanish, appearing within a dark forest. It reminds me a bit of Slender's forest but whatever is here isn't as strong as his forest is. Small balls of light pop up on the ground in a path. Instinctively I move my hands into a position, a weapon appearing in my hands. My eyes widen in shock. Have I always been able to summon a weapon?! I don't have time to think how cool it is because something is telling me I need to move and move fast. I easily dash through the forest as I follow the path of small lights.

My eyes widen when I come into an area with a bunch of downed trees, a wendigo trembling in place as humans threaten its life. Can humans even kill it? Regardless I don't want to find out because my desire to protect the creature is strong. It stumbles back with a pained snarl when a knife lodges into his shoulder. Black blood seeps from many wounds on its body, its breathing heavy and labored. It has put up as much fight as it could but it's losing steam. I need to step in before it's too late. I teleport in front of the wendigo and throw up a shield with my weapon. The humans are caught off guard, staring straight through me and at the injured wendigo. They can't see me but the wendigo can.

"Shift!" I bark out to it.

The humans' faces shift into absolute terror as the wendigo shifts into its demon like form, the darkness in the forest seeming to only grow blacker around the wendigo.

"I can't! I don't want to die!" One of the women screams, throwing down her weapon and bolting.

"Don't attack! Just retreat!" I bark at the wendigo.

Its eyes in its skull glare a moment but it does as told. I raise my weapon high and all light vanishes, the humans screaming with terror. I leave it dark until the wendigo is away from the humans. I'll help them out of here later but I need to make sure the wendigo is okay.

"You okay?" I ask when I catch up to them, the wendigo snorting in before letting out a sigh.

"Thank you," It speaks in its language, and I find I can understand them greatly. "I thought I was dead."

"Fortunately I got here on time. I would recommend staying low for a while until you heal," I tell him. "What happened?"

"There's a town I tend to eat people from. The forest suddenly opened up to a new town but they hunted me down and injured me. Why are you here? You're an angel right? Yet, you protected me and not the humans?" They question.

"I'm a guardian angel of what people see as monsters, cryptids, myths, legends, you name it. I'll still help the humans but you're my main concern," I explain to the wendigo. "You scared them off pretty good. We'll have to figure out your forest situation."

"I'll go rest for now. Will I see you again?" They ask of me.

"Of course," I tell them, stepping up to them and then resting a hand on their chest.

Magic ripples and spreads from my hand over the wendigo. I've placed a protection spell on them so they will remain safe. Should anything threaten them I will know. This is all so new and crazy, but it feels right. I feel like I have a purpose on this Earth now. No one is here to guide me, the other guardian angels probably furious by what I'm a guardian over. It probably goes against every code but these creatures are part of Earth as well. They have just as much right to live as humans do! I'm on my own, but at least I have someone to return to. It's not going to be a lonely night.

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