At Odds

554 19 2

~~Your Pov~~

I groan softly when sunlight streams in through the crack in the curtains and blinds me. I stretch out my wings before turning to the other side facing away from the window, closing my eyes once more. Everything hurts and feels really heavy. I'm also battling between hot and cold but I'm opting more to stay under my blankets because based on the slight chill against my skin the mansion is still cold. The power went out sometime last night and I had grabbed a bunch of extra blankets and quilts to bury under for the night. I didn't want to bother Offender, plus I had figured it would be back. Regardless, I really don't want to get out from under my pile of warmth.

Even if I wanted to every part of me is sore and aches, swallowing hurting my throat, and a slight pounding in the head makes me decide I'm not getting up. Not yet at least. Am I coming down with a cold? Can angels even get sick? I'm not sure, but it sure as hell feels like I can. I shake my head and allow myself to drift into sleep once more. When I wake up again I've managed to kick all but one blanket off the bed. The room is warm but I'm shaking under the blanket. My vision feels blurry and I feel sick. Just as I register the nausea I'm doubling over and getting sick in the trash can. When my body calls it quits my breathing is labored and I feel extremely dizzy. What the hell is going on?

My gaze wanders to the bedside table and I'm thankful to find a glass of cold ice water, condensation showing it is still cold. I force myself to sit up and grab the glass so I can drink. I feel really weak as well. Not even human weak, but being in my death bed almost weak. Everything I do is taking so much energy from me. I set the glass back on the table before laying down again. I peak my eyes open when I hear Offender's gentle knock on the door.

"Come in," I croak, unsure if he heard me until the door opens.

"You look awful!" Offender cries, rushing over and pressing a hand to me forehead. "Jesus Christ, you're on fire!"

"I'm so tired," I mumbled softly, leaning into the cool touch of his hand.

"Sleep is good too, but I need to get you to a warm place until I can get the power back on in here," He tells me gently.

"Sleep," I mumble as I doze off again. Sleep. That's the only thing that sounds nice right now.

I drift in and out of consciousness for the next little while, the dream world and the real world somehow seem to get mixed up and jumbled. I'm not sure how much time passes when I finally wake up. The room is warm with a roaring fire in the fireplace. I slowly push myself up into a sitting position. I feel......fine?

"Well, look who's awake," Offender chuckles. "You've been out for two weeks."

"TWO WEEKS?!" I cry in shock.

"Gave us all a real scare, but you're back now! How are you feeling?" Offender asks.

"I feel fine," I tell him. "I feel just fine."

"I'm gonna make ya rest a few days before you can be out and about. We don't want you to push yourself so hard you get sick again." He explains. "Thirsty for anything?"

"I could really use my favorite drink," I admit.

"Wait here," He chuckles before he vanishes. He's back within a few seconds, earning a smile from me when he hands it to me.

"Thank you," I tell him, drinking nearly half of it before stopping to give it a chance to settle in my stomach.

I can't believe I've been out for two weeks. Is that sickness going to be a common thing? I really hope not. That was as bad as a flu from when I was a human.

"You want to do anything? Like a movie or something. Nothing that's exercise," Offender tells me.

"I'm dying for a video game. That sounds fun," I tell him with a chuckle. "I want to see if I can kick your ass."

"Do you want to do it here or at Slender's mansion? The others would probably like to play as well," He asks me. "If it's here I can just invite everyone over."

"Can we do it here? I don't really want to deal with Slender," I admit to him. "Is that too petty?"

"It's petty but it's fine. I'll allow you to walk to the living room but nothing more," Offender chuckles. "Let me take everything out."

I look down at myself and see a few different things that I'm hooked up to. Offender removed everything and ensure nothing else is wrong with me. He then helps me out of the bed and to the media room Offender has set up in his mansion. It has several televisions set up so everyone can co-op together. Plus, Ben is able to change the code so everyone can play together. It's really impressive. I settle down in one of the chairs and wait for everyone to arrive, Offender teleporting everyone here. They're all excited when they greet me and I give everyone hugs when they come to me.

Offender has set up snacks, drinks, blankets, pillows, and anything else creatures might need during the gaming session. It's a blast and I'm able to relax with everyone. Without Slender here everyone is so much more comfortable and talk to me even more. It makes me feel even closer to all of them.

~~Gabriel's Pov~~

"See?! They're tainting her! We angels don't get sick. Micheal, we need to get her up here!" I bark as I replay the footage for him.

"She'll be fine. While angels getting sick are slim to none it's not an impossible notion. Sexual Offenderman seems to be caring for her just fine," Micheal replies.

"You trust her with that rapist? What if he takes advantage of her?!" I demand in a snarl. "Then what?!"

"She's his best friend. He's not after romance and Y/N isn't his soulmate anyway," Micheal says with a wave of his hand. "Plus, they both know her presence among them is only temporary. Let it play out and quit interfering. You know what can happen."

"I'm trying to protect one of our own. Unless, you and the other three are jealous? Admit it. You want to keep her out as long as possible because you don't see her as a real guardian angel!" I snarl.

"Gabriel, we are all proud to have another soul join our ranks as guardian angels," Micheal says.

"Then save her before she falls!" I beg of Micheal. "She shouldn't be among those creatures!"

"Perhaps she's not a guardian of the humans," Micheal hums, catching me by surprise.

"What?" I demand.

"You never thought of it? Perhaps she's the guardian angel of cryptids instead. Therefore, she's serving her exact purpose," Micheal says. "Back off of her Gabriel."

"I won't stand for this. Those creatures commit the ultimate sins and yet they have an angel protecting them? A pure angel at that! If you don't help her then I will!" I snarl.

"Gabriel, if you interfere anymore there will be consequences. You wouldn't want her to become the next Lucifer would you?" Micheal questions me.

"Of course not! That's what I've been trying to do!" I bark in reply. "Why the hell won't anyone listen to me?!"

"You're freaking out for no reason. We want to make sure her soul learns what it needs before she makes her ascent here," Cassiel points out. "She'll be fine. It's different sure, but her soul has remained untainted so far. You're freaking out for nothing."

"He's right. Why are you so concerned?" Jophiel asks in annoyance. "There's no reason for you to get involved. Let things play out. She'll get here when she gets here."

No. I can't accept that. I need to grab her myself. I hate to do it but I must rid her of the evil her soul soaks up from these creatures. It's going to be torturous for her but it's absolutely necessary. I want to make sure she's pure when she comes back to Heaven. I need to gather some holy water and a few holy tools. I will cleanse her body and her mind. I shouldn't have an issue grabbing her. I need to do it when she's alone and away from everyone else. I don't need them present when I grab her. It's going to be difficult but he's an angel. Good always triumphs over evil.

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