Dangerous Waters

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~~Slender's Pov~~

"Now that all the kids are in bed we can get to the real naughty talk," Offenderman purrs after I return from tucking Sally into bed for the night. "It's about that time for you isn't it?"

"I do not have the faintest idea what you are going on about," I growl, pouring everyone a glass of wine before settling back into my seat. "Time for what exactly?"

"Don't play dumb, Slenderman. You know exactly what we're talking about," Trender sighs in annoyance. "Usually you're fine but you actually have something to go after this time."

"That filthy human? Absolutely not. I am not that desperate during my heat cycle to go after that filth," I spit in disgust. "She'll be locked away until I return from an away trip while the cycle passes. Just as I've always done."

"Brother, you know as well as we do that it's easier to find a partner rather than trying to deal with it on your own! Even I get one during that time. You should too!" Splendor protests, bells sounding as his tendrils sway behind him. "I'm not very supportive of the idea but if you have someone to help ease your needs then you should use her."

"I will do no such thing. Not with filth like her. That's the end of the discussion!" I snap, my siblings visibly flinching under my static. "I'll take a week off like I always do and return once it passes. Simple as that."

"You're no fun. You finally have a nice piece of ass and you're not even gonna use it," Offender growls in annoyance. "Ya already use her for a bunch of other stuff. What's a bit of sex?"

"I use her for my own means and she's perfectly useful for it. There's no reason for me to change what already serves its purposes well," I grumble softly. "I do not wish to use the human in any other way. It'll mess her up if I do."

"Speaking of which. Where is your.....human?" Splendor questions, having never really grown accustomed to calling her pet.

"She's working," I growl, pausing a moment before giving a hard sigh and standing from my seat. "Excuse me for a moment. I forgot about her dinner."

I set down my wine glass and get to my feet before going into the kitchen to prepare a plate of food from the leftovers I had put away and heat it up before making my way up to my office, opening up the large door and coming to a complete stop. My gaze trails over my human reaching up to finish organizing the remainder of my book shelf. My gaze sweeps over her slightly exposed back from her shirt lifting as she reaches up high, her skin still red and scabbed over from the injuries from a few nights prior. I swallow the slight lump that forms in my throat and quickly chase away a few of the thoughts attempting to surface in my moment of weakness, clearing my throat in order to gain the attention of my pet.

"I brought you dinner as promised. Once you finish leave the plate on my desk and retreat to the nest that you occupy in my bedroom. My siblings plan to stay for the next little while and I have no need of you making ridiculous escape attempts, nor do I need you tempting Sexual Offenderman," I tell her firmly.

"You got it," She says, not bothering to look at me as she continues placing books on the shelf, my gaze noticing white in my peripheral.

"What is this?" I demand, picking up the stuffed owl as I slam the plate on my desk, the glass shattering from the force. "Dammit all to hell!"

"I'll take care of the plate, please don't worry about it," She protests in a sudden bout of panic as she spins around. "The owl is a gift. Please leave it alone."

That pisses me off. I own her and everything she has! Plus, she's a PET! She has no right to anything with my say so.

"I'm confiscating it," I say firmly, grunting when she manages to get the stuffed owl out of my hand in my distraction. "Hand it over."

"I refuse. It's not yours. It's mine," She bites back. "My answer is no."

My jaw locks in place as pure rage engulfs me, grabbing the human by the throat and slamming her against the wall. The wood cracks and splinters from the force, snatching the plushie in a tendril as I tighten my hand around Y/N's throat.

"You enjoy pissing me off, don't you? You think you can get me back by making 'friends' with the residents here but you can't. One word from me and none of them will hesitate to kill you. I'll even let them hunt you like you're a wild animal until you can no longer move. Do I make things clear?" I spit at her, as she claws at my arm.

"You can't have it!" She gasps before I tighten my hand around her throat until she can't breathe.

I can do it. Just a little more force and I can snap her neck. Snap her neck and be rid of her. Everyone will get over it. Surely they can't like this human THAT much? It's impossible! She's everything that goes against them. There's no way any of them will ever show loyalty towards this pathetic creature. She's right here. Everyone is gone or asleep expect my brothers but their opinions don't matter. This human is MY pet. MINE! I can do with her as I please!

My mind wanders back to Offender's statement but I shake my head. No. I have no sexual desires towards this woman. She's just a fun play thing. I've gotten through my heats alone plenty of times. I shake out the thoughts of my brother's words, returning my attention to the human. I release my hold on her throat, watching her go down as she gasps in breath. I didn't even have a hold of her that long. Pathetic. Humans really are weak creatures. I kneel down in front of her, watching her cough and shake.

"Do we want to try this again?" I question her. "Or do we want to be smart about this?"

"You've taken everything from me. Let me have what little happiness I can get. After all, if I decide I've had enough no matter what you do I have any and every chance to die. I'll take that satisfaction away," She hisses, her eyes full of determination.

I hum softly for a moment as I replay her words in my head. She's not wrong. I would hate for her to take her own life before I get to it. I want to be there when that last strand of sanity and hope snaps. Watch her succumb to everything I've ever done. That'll be the right moment to her. Her fear and sorrow will overtake her mind and when I devour her it will be one of the best meals I've had in all my existence.

"Say it again," I hiss softly, admiring the resolve in her eyes as she glares at me.

"Fuck you," She growls, a smirk on her face. "I can take you."

This catches me by surprise as I stand back up, walking close to her and grabbing her by the throat again. I slam her against the book shelf, a few novels falling down around us. I'm not choking her but she clings to my arm nonetheless as I hold her above the ground. She's still as she tries to control her erratic breathing, feeling her heart pulse hard against my hand. I lift her higher and then throw her to the other wall, watching her collapse and whimper in pain. The heels of my dress shoes clicking against the wood floor of my office as I step towards her step by slow step. She weakly pushes up and I grab her in my tendrils and jerk her towards the desk.

Her back hits hard but I pin her to the edge of my desk before she collapses to the ground, enjoying the way her face contorts with pain. Her back digs  into the wood as I force her to look up at me, my mouth tearing open as I bare my teeth with a snarl.

"I can eat your head right here and now. I'm leaning towards that option more and more," I snarl.

"Then do it," She spits.

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