Welcome to the Family

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~~Your Pov~~

I whimper when Splendor leaves me to go help the others fighting with Gabriel, the familiar hum of my magic going through my veins. This isn't their fight. Why are they risking their lives for me?! I freeze when I see Slender present as well, my eyes widening. Why is he here? Why is he helping?! I shake those thoughts from my head and force my aching body to stand. I hobble as best I can to the collapsed church where a crying figure stands atop the rubble. I can see the black tears streaming down her cheeks as she watches the commotion. This soul has yet to be laid to rest. I push myself forward and reach out to the soul, grabbing onto her hand. I wince in pain when the soul screams before she turns to me, her eyes wide as she stares down at me.

"It's okay. You don't have to be afraid anymore. You've done so well protecting others. Now, let's give you the chance to go home." I tell her.

"Home," The word is distorted with static, the soul staring down at me. "Home."

"Where's your body? It's here right?" I ask and she nods her head, her gaze going back to Gabriel.

"I need you to release your magic from this place. We don't want a repeat of what happened to you. More lives are at stake," I explain to her.

She looks back at Gabriel before her eyes fall on me once more. I gently tug her hand and I pull her into my chest for a hug. I wrap the two of us in my wings and I say a small prayer for the soul. Suddenly, the malice filling the area begins to dissipate, Gabriel weakening as the magic from the soul dissipates.

"NO! NO!" Gabriel snarls, focusing all of his attention on me.

He yells and magic explodes around him, knocking everyone back. I cling to the soul and continue to protect her with my wings as Gabriel snaps his whip against them. I grit my teeth but I endure the pain. I need to set this soul free. He grits his teeth and everything is suddenly warm, fire slowly rising from the rubble of the church. I yell when it singes my wings, jerking to my feet as I release the soul just before Gabriel's magic surrounds me completely. I can't fly. My wings have endured so much they're useless at this point. The fire surrounds me, a barrier surrounding the church keeping everyone else out.

I struggle but get to my feet and pulls my wings as tight to my body as they'll go. Gabriel stands just out of reach of the fire. Sweat begins to drip down my face as the fire draws closer, the flames lashing out as they burn brighter. This isn't regular fire. This is Hell Fire. It's made to destroy.

"Do you feel better now?! Is my death going to make you happy?!" I spit at him.

"I'll milk you and then go after those evil creatures you call friends! I'll burn this entire forest until not a single creepypasta is left!"
Gabriel cackles. "Goodbye Y/N! Rot in Hell."

A scream leaves me as the fire begins to lick at my flesh, feeling the unbearable heat as it closes around me. I do something I haven't done since awakening as an angel. I bow my head and I pray. I don't pray for myself. That is long gone at this point. No, I pray for all of the pastas. I pray for their happiness and survival. I pray they'll be safe from Gabriel. I don't beg or plead. The unbearable heat is suddenly gone and I peak my eyes open. The fire is gone, my eyes shooting to the sky where a portal is opened.

"Archangel Gabriel. You have not been permitted to use Hell Fire. Your business on Earth appears to be concluded. Return at once for your next assignment," Another angel speaks, hovering by the portal.

"NO! NO, I HAVE TO DESTROY THE EVIL!" Gabriel snarls in anger. "SHE MUST NOT LIVE!"

"The creator has deemed her existence a necessary one," Another angel declares. "Leave her be or go against the creator."

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