A New Understanding

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~~Slender's Pov~~

Two days pass before Offender shows back up to the mansion, looking fine and sober for once. I try to corner him but he avoids me like I'm the plague. I try to tell myself I don't care about him being childish but deep down I do. I know I shouldn't have said what I did. Tomorrow the four of us are supposed to go on a brother's excursion but I'm not so sure it'll be happening. I pause when I hear my brother laughing in the laundry room. Who the hell is in there with him?

"You smile when you get ahead! You have a horrible poker face," I hear the human laugh, pausing in surprise.

Have I ever actually heard her laugh? I wrack my brain but I can't recall a single instance she's laughed. I guess it makes sense considering the situation she's in but....the sound of her laugh making me want to smile. I shake that thought out of my head with a grimace. Just because she's suffered doesn't mean I'm going to play nice. All of us have been through trauma. It doesn't make any difference. She's still a human and the only reason anyone likes her is because she's been here for a while. They've grown accustomed to it is all.

"And yours is any better?" My brother asks the human.

"The fact I'm alive means I have a decent one right? If I show anything other than pain or being subdued I'm sure he'd have killed me by now. I don't understand how I'm alive in the first place," She admits to him.

"Fair enough," Offender chuckles. "Think I've avoided him long enough?"

I knew he was doing it on purpose! Avoiding me all day when he knows I need to speak to him. My hands clench into fists, but I will myself to stay put.

"Not at all, but I think you should let him apologize  for Splendor's sake. You four did have plans," He hears his human say. "Otherwise I'd say keep avoiding him. He deserves consequences sometimes."

"You're not wrong there," Offender snorts with laughter. "You gonna be okay?"

"I've spent long hours in that cage before. You guys being gone for a day won't be an issue," The human hums. "I'll be fine. Don't worry."

I take a deep breath and give three firm knocks on the laundry room door before opening it.

"Finally. Don't you dare teleport away," Slender growls when he comes face to face with his brother, the human hiding behind him with a basket full of laundry. "Let's go."

"No," Offender states firmly, crossing his arms. "I don't have to do shit."

"I'm not playing around Offender," I hiss back.

"Neither am I," Offender fires back.

I clench my jaw, wishing I could just smack my brother, but I can't. I have to apologize.

"Fine," I snap. "I want to apologize for what I said a few nights ago. It was uncalled for."

"Thank you for your apology," Offender says. "While I don't think you deserve it I do forgive you. I love this mansion. I love its residents. They haven't become just your family. They're mine, Splendor's, and Trender's family too. I may not live here anymore but I still care about everyone."

"I know. I know. I understand," I tell him, bowing my head in apology. "I'm sorry for saying otherwise."

"Thank you brother," Offender says, giving me a smile when I raise my head. "We should get out of the way. Y/N has chores to complete."

"Wait, I need to speak with her as well. If you could give us privacy," I tell him, annoyed when he looks back at the human.

The fear in her eyes is evident but she gives Offender a smile and motions him out. I close the door and lock it before I turn my attention to the human. The basket that was in her hands now rests on top of one of the dryers. I can taste her dead in the air as she turns her eyes to my face. I'm itching to wrap my hand around her throat but I have no doubt Offender is waiting outside. Even if I did lock the door he can get in no problem.

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