Her Special Place

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~~Slender's Pov~~

I take a deep breath and knock on the door to Offender's room, relieved when Y/N opens the door.

"Yes?" She asks him.

"I was wondering if you would go somewhere with me," I tell her. "There's something important I need to show you."

"Is Offender allowed to come?" She asks me.

"Sure," I agree, already expecting the question. "We need to go now."

She nods and closes the door. I head downstairs to wait for the two of them, Splender and Trender coming as well

"Where are we goin'?" Offender asks as everyone follows me.

"Her resting place," I declare, all of my brothers inhaling breath.

"Who's resting place?" Y/N asks in confusion.

"Yours," Trender declares, and I'm certain she has a confused look on her face.

I lead the way through the forest and to a certain clearing. The trees part to open up for a graveyard, the five of us stopping.

"What's going on?" Y/N demands. "What is this place?"

"This is where your physical bodies rest. Each vessel you have ever inhabited resides here," I declare. "I don't know how, but you always come here when you die. It's almost like magic. No one has ever buried you."

"We've known you a couple different times throughout your soul's travels," Trender explains.

"Are we even sure it's her?" Offender demands.

"Y/N, if you will," I tell her, motioning her forward.

She does as told and steps foot into the graveyard. Bright light bursts from the ground and blinds all of us for a few minutes before finally clearing.

~~Your Pov~~

I step forward at Slender's words, pausing a moment when Offender grabs my hand. I give it a reassuring squeeze before I step forward. I cross the line of red spider lilies that surround the grave sites. I gasp when bright but warm light suddenly wraps around me. My eyes widen as a million memories flood into my brain, waves of intense emotions crashing over me. I can't tell one thing from another. I fall to my knees with a hard gasp when it all stops, heavy pants leaving me as I catch myself before I fall to the ground. Memories wash over me, playing so fast it's hard to keep up, but one thing is for sure, I've lived many different lives.

Much to my surprise the Slender brothers are in a few of them, especially Slender. As I focus and slow my thoughts down it's as if I'm watching myself in a movie. My head goes through each memory one by one and I just watch all of my past lives in order. I'm not really sure how long I just sit there, my eyes finding Offender when he comes over to rest a hand on my shoulder. There were several past lives where I've dated Slender before, but not once did we turn out to be soulmates. So, why was he keeping me around? If he's never really loved me then why?

Offender gets to his feet and helps me up. Everything aches, as if I've been put through the most intense workout of my life. I really want to just sit or lay down but I can't right now. I have something important to do first. I straighten my posture and walk towards an expectant Slender. I stop in front of him and motion him closer. I raise my hand and slap it hard across his cheek, the slap loud in the quiet of the forest.

"The fucking audacity. What? Did you think showing me liking you before was going to change everything? Did you really expect me to forgive you just like that?!" I snarl at him. "We have not once been proven as soulmates."

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