Torture and Trust

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~~Your Pov~~

Pain. That's all I can feel. My entire body aches and I just slump in place. Holy chains keep me chained to the floor as hooks with holy magic hold my wings spread wide open. There is no comfortable position. Either I stand to alleviate the pain in my wings or I kneel to alleviate the pain in my legs. Time isn't even a thing here. No matter how many times I try to track it, it always turns out impossible. Gabriel comes at random times. Sometimes it'll be minutes, sometimes hours, and from the hunger gnawing at my stomach lets me know it's been days.

Gabriel says angels don't actually need to eat. That it's just habit at this point and I'll ween off of food until I can be a 'true angel' as he likes to put it. The hooks in my wings pull as I end up kneeling on the ground again, my legs too tired to keep standing. I'm exhausted. I'm wishing for a merciful death but it hasn't come yet. Who's to say how long I've been here. I shudder when freezing holy water rains down on me, forcing my achy neck upwards.

"Hmmm, you have no adverse reaction. My treatment must be working!" Gabriel chirps from in front of me.

"Fuck you piece of shit!" I snarl back at him, grunting in pain when he slaps me.

"Now Y/N, we've talked about this. Angels are not supposed to curse," Gabriel tells me. "Let's see, how many feathers should I take today? If you're not careful I may rip out all of them and you'll no longer be able to fly."

He's not wrong. I don't know what he's given me but I'm not healing. No wounds close, no feathers grow back, and despite being summoned I cannot teleport anywhere. I'm stuck in this pain and this torture.

"I'm sorry. Please, I'm sorry," I whimper. "Please. It hurts."

He just bursts into laughter. If I had any tears left I'd be crying, but not a single one appears. I just let out a heavy sigh and close my eyes as I bow my head. I just want all the pain to end but I have no escape. No way out without my magic. I can't get any of them off. I've tried but it only leads to more pain. I've tried to stay strong but I'm losing my hope of getting out of here. I'm going to die here. It's something I've accepted at this point. I just wish it would come now. I can't keep doing this. There's so much pain and it's driving me insane. I just want it to end. Is that too much to ask?

"We have one final lesson. No more summons from anything that isn't human. Our job as guardian angels is to keep humans safe. Once that stops we'll ascend to Heaven together! Your soul will be pure again!" Gabriel declares. "You just need to behave and listen to all I say. If you can do that then you can be redeemed."

Redeemed huh? I never wanted to be redeemed. I just wanted to live in peace. Was that too much to ask? I give up. I just want to go back to my life. I'm not sure which I would want though. Some of the pastas feel like family but I'm not sure they see me that way. There wasn't much for me in my old life as a human so I'm not really sure which life I want to go back to. Even in all my times of being human one thing sticks out the most. I was always lonely. So lonely. If I choose to live where do I go from there? Am I enough to be family or am I destined to be alone once again?

~~Splendor's Pov~~

Everyone is freaked out and worried about Gabriel and what he could possibly be doing with Y/N. My brothers and I have been trying to track her but it's almost as if she vanished completely. Even Lucifer hasn't been able to help track her. Whatever Gabriel is using to hide her is darker magic than any of them have ever witnessed. Or is holy magic just that more powerful? I glance at Slender who's run himself ragged looking for Y/N. I make a quick tonic and brings it to my brother, settling down on the couch beside him.

"You okay?" I ask him.

"Yes," He sighs, downing the tonic in two quick gulps and then slumping back into the couch. He tilts his head and rests it on the back of the couch, letting out a deep sigh.

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