I'm Sorry

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~~Offender's Pov~~

It takes Y/N a few days to recover from the incident with Gabriel, and I worry how many times she's going to have to do this. If that angel is serious about getting Y/N to heaven quicker then I have no doubt he'll launch more attacks against her. I wonder where all of her soul connections are. I head to her room with a plate full of food, knocking on the door and opening it when he's given the go ahead.

"What are you doing?" I chuckle when I find her sitting on the ground surrounded by feathers.

"I think I'm shedding my 'summer' wings and getting my winter ones. They just keep coming out," She explains as she gently sorts through the feathers on her wings to pull out the dead ones. "I never thought wings would be this much work."

"I mean, it makes sense. They're like bird wings. You gotta preen them for the different seasons. Want a hand?" I ask her, chuckling at her narrowed eyes. "I'm not trying to lead you into sex. Believe it or not, I've owned a few birds. I know what I'm looking for."

"I suppose," She huffs softly.

"I even brought a peace offering," I grin, lifting the plate a little higher.

"Why do you need a peace offering?" She asks me with a laugh.

"No idea. Probably for something I'm gonna do," He chuckles, setting the plate in front of her before plopping down in front of one of her wings.

I gently work through the feathers on one wing while she works on the other. The room is fairly silent except for the bird song filtering in through her open window.

"Do you think I'll be stuck in Heaven?" She mumbles softly, barely loud enough for me to hear.

"I don't know. Angels aren't to be messed with when they mean business, but based on that other angel grabbing Gabriel you're not supposed to be. Not right now at least," I tell her. "Who's to say what the future holds though."

"Yeah, I guess," She hums.

"Don't let Slender get under your skin. He's just being pissy. You won't do anything to hurt any of us. We can tell," I tell her with a small smile. "He's just.....stubborn I guess."

"That man is way more than stubborn," She points out, the two of us finishing her wings. "I don't think he's going to like me and I honestly don't really care if he does or not. The only reason I'm even remotely trying to be hospitable is for Sally and everyone else."

"If you-," I start.

"No, Offender. That man never gave me a chance. There's no reason why I should have to do so for him," She replies, stretching out her wings before folding them again and getting to her feet. "Maybe it would just be better if I left."

"All because Slender doesn't like you?" I ask her. "Why should he-?"

"Dictate what I do or don't do? You're right, he shouldn't, but he does because he was there first. No matter what I do, Slender will come before me. I'm not saying it's a bad thing. I'm just saying he matters to everyone more than I do. None of you started getting close until it turned out I was an angel and could hold my own against him," She sighs. "It's fine. He was here first."

"But I-," I frown when she cuts me off.

"Offender, I know you want me to make friends with Slender, but I don't want you to be his friend. He has some messed up morals about humans that I definitely don't support. He hasn't even apologized." She tells me. "He thinks he can just sweep it under the rug. That might work for you but it doesn't work for me."

"I'm sorry," I tell her with a soft smile. "You're right. It's unfair for me to expect that of you."

"I have nothing against any of you. I just don't find the point being around someone who hates my guts," She says with a smile.

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