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~~Slender's Pov~~

Sally doesn't wake up until the next day, everyone relieved when she finally does. The entire mansion has been on edge after I explained what happened. E.J. apologized profusely and I gave him my own apology for not listening. He and Y/N tried to warm me and I didn't listen when I should have. I'm cooking in the kitchen when Sally comes bounding down the stairs once she wakes up.

"Daddy!" She grins when she enters the kitchen.

I leave the stove and hug her tight when she comes running to me, relief flooding through me.

"I'm so sorry. Are you okay?" I ask her.

"Mhm! I'm okay! What happened? Is Y/N okay? I remember hugging her and then it all just went blank. I think I passed out," She admits to me.

"She's okay. Still asleep but hopefully she'll be up soon," I assure her. "Are you hungry?"

"Only if it's spaghetti," She says with a grin, earning a chuckle from me.

"Then it's a good thing that's what I'm making," I tell her. "I'll call when it's ready."

"Kay!" Sally grins, giving me another hug before bounding off.

Once dinner is finished everyone gathers to eat we all laugh and talk together. Everyone is relieved that Sally is okay, just as much as I am. Fortunately, the forest shut down the opening to the town and no one can reach it through the forest any longer. That's the fortunate part about the forest. It recognizes when it's time to shut down any dangerous openings and it did so this time. After dinner I clean up and then head to check on Y/N. She's finally awake and sitting up in bed, her wings spread behind her. All injuries and scars she had are gone, leaving behind smooth skin. Her (e/c) colored eyes look up at me when I enter the infirmary.

"Hey there. Are you hungry?" I ask her.

"A little. Where am I? Who are you?" She asks, catching me off guard.

"It's me, Slenderman. You don't recognize me?"
I ask her in surprise.

"No. Should I?" She asks, tilting her head to the side.

"Yes, you should. Especially after all I've done. You should hate me right now. Despise me even," I tell her.

"Really? You don't seem so bad," She chuckles softly.

"Do you remember your name?" I ask her.

"Mmm, I have a couple different ones. Which is my current one?" She asks me.

"Other names?" I ask, confused.

"Yeah!" She smiles, catching me off guard when she lists names. "If I'm correct, my most recent one is Y/N."

"Yeah.....," I trail off, my mind going a million miles an hour.

There's just no way. Is it truly possible? This woman.....isn't just some random human I've picked up. Why it's taken so long for her powers to show I don't know, but all of those names send feelings racing through my chest. The only way I'm going to figure it out is by taking her there. It's the only way for me to know for sure. She gives me a smile as she lets me think things over, something only one creature has been able to let me do ever since I met her. She always gave me time to think without interruption. I'll have to discuss things with my brothers. Just to be sure.

"Do you want to eat in here or come out with me?" I ask her.

"Can I come out?" She asks hopefully.

"Sure. Come along," I tell her, watching her wings fold before she climbs out of bed.

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