34 - It's Not Easy Being Green

Start from the beginning

"Since when did you care what that they think?" Emma asked.

"Because, if the two people who taught me everything I know about magic, thinks she is stronger than I am, then there's no way I can win this fight," Regina said.

"Well, I don't believe that... Do you know why you will win?" Regina looked at Emma, "Because you're stronger. Yeah, she might win you in the strength of power, but from what Faye has said there's one thing you have that she does... Control and love... And obviously, you aren't envious of anyone because you accept who you are. Regina if anyone is going to win this fight, it's you," Emma said and Regina smiled a little.


In the Enchanted Forest, Zelena walked with Rumpelstiltskin and Priscilla in the woods, "Cora never mentioned me?" Zelena asked.

"A firstborn daughter? I think that's something we would remember. Now, there's a spell, a curse I've been working on for a very long time. Now I foresaw that that curse can only be cast by Cora's daughter," Rumpelstiltskin said.

"That's why you've been training Regina. You both thought she was going to cast the curse," Zelena said.

"Until today," Zelena smiled, "Shall we see what you can do? Magic isn't about what you see, dearie, it's about what you feel inside," Priscilla placed a black cloth over Zelena's eyes as a blindfold and she teleported into a tree, sitting on a branch, watching them, "You'll have to dig deep if you wanna pass tonight's test," Rumpelstiltskin said.

"What am I meant to do?" Zelena asked.

"Simple. Find him," Priscilla said.

Rumpelstiltskin teleported himself from in front of Zelena to behind her as she walked around with her arms raised to grab him, "Over here, dearie," Rumpelstiltskin said.

Zelena turned around surprised, Rumpelstiltskin was leaning on a tree as he once again teleported only a few yards away from her, Zelena was still unable to catch him.

"Close, but not close enough. Magic comes from emotion, Zelena," Priscilla said.

"Simply think of a moment that makes you sieve with anger," Rumpelstiltskin said.

"And use it to feel the magic. Yes, I've learned that a long time ago. It's hard to pick one. Find out that my mother abandoned me. That my father never wanted me," Zelena said.

"Getting warmer," Rumpelstiltskin said as he appeared to be a little closer to Zelena.

"That my sister got everything I've ever desired. That she didn't even have to present something. It all just happened and she doesn't even know that!" Zelena said in a high pitched voice as she grabbed Rumpelstiltskin's arm.

"Ding dong. There it is," Zelena took off her blindfold, "I can feel it in your nails," Rumpelstiltskin said.

"Sorry," She released his wrist, "I lost control," Zelena said.

"And now, you need to think of a moment of happiness to rein in some of that anger," Rumpelstiltskin said as Priscilla jumped down from the tree branch she was sitting on.

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