"Uh, I don't know what that witch did to him, but he seems a little crazy. When I asked him about her, it was like he wanted to tell me, but he couldn't," Elaine said.

"Well, he can't be far. Come on," Neal started walking but the twins didn't move and he looked at them, "You want to waste time dragging me back to the hospital? 'Cause, that's the only way you're gonna get me there," Neal said.

"Fine. Let's go," Elaine said and they all started walking.

Flashback: Enchanted Forest - One Year Later

Calliope, Belle and Neal were at the clearing with Lumiere who was now lit and Neal found the door to the vault of the Dark One. Neal was about to use the key with Belle and Calliope knelt beside him then he looked at Lumiere, "You're sure about this?" Neal asked.

"I spent 200 years in Rumpelstiltskin's library witnessing more dark magic and sorcery than any living creature has ever seen," Lumiere said.

Calliope looked at Lumiere, "I'm... I'm sorry... How long did you say you were there?" Calliope asked.

"200 years... At least," Lumiere said.

"He's lying," Calliope stood up facing Lumiere, "Rumpel built that library for us not before I gave birth. It's been there barely 30 years," Calliope said

Neal stood up and stood beside her with Belle, "Who are you?! Unless you want to spend the rest of eternity under a snowdrift, you better start talking," Neal said.

"I am who I appear to be, only it wasn't Rumpelstiltskin who turned me into this wretched form. It was the Wicked Witch of the West," Lumiere said.

"The Wicked Witch? She told you to lead us here?" Belle asked.

"She wants you to bring back the Dark One so she can control him with his dagger," Lumiere said.

"Okay, we need to leave this place," Belle said.

"Belle, wait. It means we can bring him back. Does it matter who got us here?" Neal asked.

"Rumpel didn't sacrifice his life for good so he could return to be a slave to evil," Calliope said.

"My father is the king of loopholes. I'm sure he'll figure out a way to deal with her," Neal said.

"What if he can't? Think what she could do if the Dark One was under her control. We'll find another way to bring him back," Calliope said.

"What if there is no other way? I can't waste any more time. I need to get back. To hell with the cost," Neal said as he walked over to the vault door.

"That's what your father told himself when he forged the curse that condemned countless people to misery. Don't make the same mistake he made," Neal didn't listen as he put the key into the keyhole, "Neal, wait!" Calliope said.

Neal pressed down on the key, the vault doors started to flow and the key heated up, burning Neal's hand. Neal screamed as he fell back on the snow, he pressed his hand into the snow and they watch as steam hissed from the mark. He looked at the mark as he panted.

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