"Us too... It's a shame we never got it," Elaine said.

"What do you mean?" Prince Charming asked.

"We're not really here. We were never here. We should be, but we're not, all for one reason..." Elaine said as she and Prince Charming stopped dancing.

Emma walked up to Elaine and they looked at their father, "You failed us," The Swan twins said in unison.

Everything went dark and the twin's hair was no longer fixed up, they were down and the wind began to pick up in the room really fast. The doors to the magical wardrobe burst open and it began to pull the twins in and they grabbed hold of their father's arms.

"Goodbye, daddy!" The Swan twins yelled in unison.

"Girls, I'm sorry! I'll save you!" Prince Charming yelled.

"No! You can't save us! You failed us!" Elaine yelled.

"There's nothing you can do!" Emma yelled.

"No, girls!" Prince Charming yelled.

"Don't fail the next one," The Swan twins said before they were sucked into the wardrobe and the doors closed.

"Emma! Elaine!" Prince Charming yelled.

"Don't fail the next one... Don't fail the next one," The twins' voice echoes.

Prince Charming's eyes open wide as he woke up in bed and he sat up, Grumpy walked in, "Charming?" He looked at Grumpy, "You have visitors," Grumpy said and walked out.


Prince Charming and Grumpy walked into the meeting room to see Red Riding Hood, Granny, the dwarves and Snow White, "I thought you said I had visitors?" Prince Charming asked.

A portal opened and Sebastian walked through, he looked at Prince Charming, "David," Sebastian said.

"Sebastian, is everything okay?" Prince Charming asked.

Aleena and Branston walked through and stretched, "Home," Aleena said.

"What are you all doing here?" Snow White asked.

Sebastian placed his hand through the portal and he helped Priscilla through, "Easy, easy," Sebastian said.

"I'm okay," Priscilla took a deep breath, "I'm okay," Priscilla said.

"I'm okay," Priscilla took a deep breath, "I'm okay," Priscilla said

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Home is Where the Heart is [OUAT|| Swan Princess Trio Book #3]Where stories live. Discover now