the last!

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A/n "this is the last chapter!!! Omggg also there will be a book 2 coming soon so keep a track of that"

                        Y/n pov
The war has began. Evrybody is fighting. I am defeated by punz i sit on the ground with a support of a tree as warm blood is everywhere. I wasn't that injured but it was enough for me to loose my energy. I just sat there with my lifeless body as i watch everyone fight. Then i heard a loud crash. It was tubbo! I quickly try to get up i failed a couple of times as the 3rd times the charm i got up and made my way towards him it looked like he had been shot in the stomach his blood now everywhere on my clothes and mixed with some of my blood. I quickly take a peice out of my bag to see...

                      Y/n pov past

"wow mom what is this"

"its a hankie i made for you"

"it's amazing"

"thanks dear i promise i will make you more if you want some"

"ok, promisee?"

"yes promise"

End of flashback

I quickly wrap it around tubbo's stomach where he got shot. He yells in pain while i try to stop the blood "don't worry it's fine" i try to comfort him "y-you are injured yourself y/n" he made the words come out of his mouth as this time grabs my wrists and helds it tight "i am but not as much as you tubbo" i quickly help him to get up both barely able to walk
As i take him to the tree i was resting him he asks "will i live-" "of course you will stupid!" i smiled but inside i was worried myself i had no potions at the moment all i could do was pray i looked behind me to see shaqlt defeated i cheer as tubbo cheers up too "we won!!!" as the words escape my mouth i see a young girl who looked like she was around 16 or 17 "hey what's your name?" i ask her to be honest i never saw her before she had dirty blonde hair and dark green eyes and very light freckles and a few scars around her face here and there she really reminded me of dream who broke my heart. "i am drista" she introduced herself looking around expecting to see someone "d-drista oh its you" i remembered the words dream has said i choose drista but i still want 2 days with y/n i paused amfor a second "are you looking for a guy called dream?" she looked shocked and slowly her face brightened up "yes can you show me where he is?" the girl looked so happy i couldn't help it i guided her to dream. "d-dream!!" she screamed as she went and hugged him "drista you are safe!" he looked as happy as the little girl i never made him so happy as she did. As dream saw me he went pale "y/n!!" i couldn't tell if he was yelling or not anymore i felt dizzy as my eye lids became heavier as i fall to the ground.

                        Dream pov

I saw drista as she hugged me i hugged her back. She was finally back i got my once lost sister back i look over to see the person behind her. Y/n she had blood all over her clothes as she looked weak her eyes started to shut slowly "y/n!!!!" i yelled as she falls to the ground. I rush to her picking her up and running to the castle no! No!  I don't want to loose y/n  i rush inside George looks at y/n and grabs her and starts taking out some potions drista followed me look at her and give her a weak smile "you know her? She was the person who leaded me to you" she loooked concerned taking small peeks at y/n "did she-" i couldn't believe it that she could so nice to a girl she doesn't know and specially when she was in that condition.

~time skip~

I see y/n woke up i rush to her i was sure she wouldn't be happy to see me and i was right she wasn't she just looked away got up and started walking up to the front door "y/n please listen-" i was expecting her to ignore me but instead she looked back at me and said "no! Why will i always listen. I thought you loved me but i guess everyone is right you are just a villain who manipulates everyone." i froze that's what the tales say about me. That's what y/n thinks i am before i knew it I slapped y/n. She looked shock but didn't reply instead walked off "i hate you dream" she whispered knowing it was still audible to me.

                          Y/n pov

"i hate you dream" i whispered knowing it was audible to dream. I walked to l'manburg which seemed like i was walking for days i reached l'manburg to see everyone celebrating   they all had smiles on their face as they all cheered. "y/nnn you aree okay" niki hugged me tight "n-niki i can't breathe" i chuckle "I'm sorry" she laughed as wilbur said something "i don't want to rule i want my brother and tubbo to rule l'manburg" he laughed but still was serious. As everyone cheered i look over at where wilbur was but i couldn't find him anywhere...i look for him to see him go to some kind of room i look around then notice what was happening he couldn't be the traitor could he i froze i had to warn others but no words came to my mouth instead i just kept taking steps backwards when boom. It sent me flying to a tree as i yell in pain as i see techno coming towards me he grabs onto my shoulder  and says "close your eyes" but i don't i see Wilbur's blood everywhere and philza witha sword "wilbur!!" i fall to my knees what was happening everything was ruined but i look at everyone who were just slightly injured then i remembered what wilbur once said to me "do whatever your heart tells you to"   and i knew what to do.

(soo they all remade l'manburg and all and this is where y/n meets dream in a forest)

I walked to the forest to get some fresh air as i spot dream i felt my blood boiling. We both look at each other and turn away in opposite directions we are nothing anymore

i walk back to l'manburg...and he walks back to his castle.

I'd rather be broken all over again than Not know what it's like to be his Just one more time.

love for you wilbur X dream X reader Where stories live. Discover now