mind games

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                           Y/n pov
As we reached to the castle we spotted the one and only shaqlt sitting  with sapnap and George they looked at dream and spoke "dream! Your here!" they both looked happy to see him but all i could think was of shaqlt and what stupid mind game he was playing. "oh dream and y/n what a pleasure to meet you" he smirked as he opened his arms for a nice hug but both me and dream did not budge "oh well that's a shame i guess you won't be getting a hug" he walked back to his seat and sat down gesturingme and dream to sit down as well. I rolled my eyes as i walked past him to go to my room i wanted no more 'meetings or talks' with shaqlt i knew his small mind game he plays "where do you think you are going" he grabbed my wrist and pulled it hard enough for me to stummble back loosing my balance "i want to talk to you too" he smirked as he let go of my hand that's when dream lost it "what do you want!? Leave her alone" he gestured me to go back to my room right now. As i walked i heard thier conversation  it was faint but still audible instead of going back to my room i hid behind the slightly open door i had opened so i could still hear what they were talking about "you see now manburg and pogtopia is going to have a war and you know we had made a deal but i have suspicions that you might be breaking it because of y/n" "what!? Ok think whatever you want to shaqlt but what you are thinking won't happen even how hard you try" i could hear the anger in dreams voice as it sent shivers down my spine "but-that's the only way you can save d-drista" George interrupted wait who was drista!?
(the part is like dream's backstory)

               Dream's pov past

I looked over at my sister 'drista'  who held on my hoodie in fear as tears slipped down her face "brother dont let them take me!" i tried my best to protect her but the other people were strong and by other people i mean was shaqlt and alex and some other stupid guards i watched as they took away my sister in front of my own eyes and i couldn't do anything but stand there in defeat i just lost my sister....

                Dream pov (present)

I stood there thinking what if i do get my sister back... Will it be worth it? I can't  afford to lose y/n but i really wished i could see my sister once again i looked at shaqlt who had a large grin on his face "well what do you think about that dream" i paused what did i think about it..."i will think about this i need time" i couldn't believe what i said i knew these 7 words is going to change my relationship with y/n or my own sister.

Mind games,mind games what once i was known as the king of them now was under one i can't escape.

love for you wilbur X dream X reader Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat