never the end...?

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               Y/n pov third person

She looks at the guilt in dream's eyes as she lets out a small sigh. "why.. WHY!? I thought you changed...i thought you cared about me..." y/n was broken she just stood there and muttered hurful words to dream "y/n you see i had no other choice-" dream looked around with dissapointed and embarrassed looks "there is a traitor in pogtopia and i am with them so i can't really show that so i had to join shaqlt's side." he looked and the broken y/n. "t-traitor?" she was shocked she could not believe what dream had just said "yes y/n i'm sorry that i am cruel to you that i keep breaking your heart.." dream apologized and looked at her beautiful eyes now filled with rage.

                     Dream pov
I look at y/n's beautiful eyes but there was rage all over them. And then i feel a sharp sting in my cheek as i realise what just happened 'did y/n just slap me..?' i look at her for answers but she stared at her bare hands and runs of to the forest as i couldn't move. I feel guilt hit me as i walk back inside the castle. "i need to give her time" i mutter to myself.

After a while while i was in the forest getting wood i hear a loud thud i go to check what was it "tommy...?" i heard a soft voice say and that's when i knew who it was y/n. I stood there to hear their conversation "wilbur...don't  you dare!" i heard her yell i move closer for a clear view i look at wilbur holding a sword while y/n guarded tommy. "y/n dear...What do you mean?" he chuckled as he moved closer to them " are a monster Wilbur! You aren't the wilbur i once knew" y/n pulled out her sword for swlf defence just in case wilbur attacks. From how i knew y/n she was very strong not like the others to be threatened by a sword. She was really good at fighting and her aim was perfect the only thing she wasn't the best at was with fishing rods and mlg. That's when i heard two swords clash as i see wilbur and y/n fighting i quickly take out my bow and arrow and shoot. I purposely missed the shot causing it to hit a tree but also warning wilbur to not make another move.

'this isn't the end y/n'
Short chapter cuz i have no idea what to write

love for you wilbur X dream X reader Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat