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Author's POV

The girl smiled happily as she watched other kids playing around they were her home for her they were her everything "miss someone is here to meet you " the maid said as she stood up immediately "who is it aunty ?" She asked her voice like honey "they said they are from parks " she said as the girl eyebrows arched in confusion "the parks ? I'll be there serve them till then " she said going towards the kids "noonaaaaaaaa/unnnieeee " they all yelled happily in one voice making her smile "kiddos now it's time for you to go back home okay ? We will meet next sunday " she said as everyone nodded obediently .

Hoseok sat beside jimin who was least interested in anything as he was busy smiling alone others will think he is psycho but hoseok knows why he is smiling...a girl walked down elegantly as she bowed to them immediately standing infront of them "good evening mr.park & mr.jung " she greeted jimin finally looked up and he was stunned...her brown eyes reminded him of her ,her honey like voice reminded him of her...."good evening miss lee " hoseok said as she smiled "am glad you came to my house please have a seat " she said as jimin was stunned his heart aching to meet her...atleast have a glance of her smiling face but he knows its impossible.

Y/n's POV

I sat on the couch waiting for taehyung he is late again I dunno but he has changed and we both know that but it's just I'm not ready to accept the reality while he doesn't wants to even have a glance of the reality.....I sighed tears starting to gather thinking about everything it's already 3Am he is still not home...I flinched when my phone rang its unknown who is it ? I picked it up "hello ?" I said as I heard nothing but silence "hello ?" I said again now scared "umm I'm jimin " he said as my tears stopped immediately my breath hitched hearing his voice and my heartbeat sharpened I should not feel this "why did you cal-called this late ?" I asked scared "taehyung is with not worry he will be there in the morning " he said as I sighed in relief..."I-oh ok thanks for informing me mr.park " I said closing my eyes "welcome I guess " he everything went silent no one talked...should I keep the phone "take care of yourself " he whispered and kept the phone.........what is taehyung doing with him ?

Author's POV

Hoseok glared at jimin who sighed in relief "what ?" He asked to hoseok who is still glaring "WHY THE HELL DID YOU WOKE ME UP JUST TO CALL HER TO TALK FOR WHAT 1 MINUTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THAT ALSO A WHOLE LIE SINCE WHEN DID YOU STARTED HANGING OUT WITH TAEHYUNG YOU MORRON WHERE IS HE THEN ?????? " hoseok yelled making jimin close his ears and fall back on his bed as he mumbled "I needed your support" hoseok heard it "for what !!!! For calling her!!!!!" He yelled again as jimin smiled a little "hehe thanks goodnight " he said closing his eyes as hoseok sat on the bed regretting his life choices even his birth cause his stupid ass bestfriend just woke him up in the middle of the night at 3 Am to be exact just to call her and he need support to call her ................

To be continued......

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