After that, the noirette went to seat beside Jiaqi who was now finishing the last bottle. Xueer didn't stop her and let's her drink until the last drop. She even surprised Xueer when she started cleaning up.

"You surprisingly look sober for someone who drank..." she paused and counted the bottles, "...about two bottles...if we total all the shots you drunk."

Jiaqi stopped and stared at her before going back to cleaning up. Xueer helped her and cleaned the place until there were no traces of them drinking. (Aside from the six empty bottles in the trash bin.)

When they finished, Jiaqi suddenly stops in front of Xueer. The latter curiously looked at her before the taller's drunkenly grins at her.

"Xue~xue~" she slurs.

Xueer catches the taller's body when she suddenly slumped towards her then sniffs her neck.

"You smell nice~"

Xueer shakes her head and drags the bluenette to their bedroom then lays her on the bed. She was caught off-guard when she felt the girl's slender fingers wrapping around her wrist and pulling her to bed.

"Hello~" Jiaqi whispers as she comes face-to-face with her girlfriend.

Xueer scrunched her nose upon smelling the alcohol in the older's breath.

"You," the bluenette hiccups, "You'll look good in red hair." she randomly says. This made Xueer chuckle. But she went along and just nods her head.

"And then," another hiccup, "You can wear a white dress... The kind that...will hug you until the waist....and then...the bottom will...the bottom will be flowing out~" she grins.

"Wait!" Jiaqi frowns. "Don't–... Don't do that..."

Xueer give her a curious look.

"Sa–... Save it for our wedding day~"

Jiaqi said it so seriously, with a pout at the end before going back to smiling, which made Xueer laugh thinking about how cute she is.

'So this is drunk Jiaqi,' Xueer thinks. 'How cute.'

"Can we celebrate our first anniversary first?" Xueer mindlessly said.


The noirette was shocked. But it quickly dispersed when Jiaqi continued.

"We have to celebrate your birthday first~"

"Oh right. My birthday," she chuckles.

Jiaqi pouts. "How can you forget about your birthday~? I already made plans to take you out~"

Suddenly, the bluenette gasp. Then, she looks at Xueer with a kind of nervous and surprised expression.

"That was supposed to be a surprise~" she whispers, but loud enough for Xueer to hear.

The taller suddenly started tearing up which made Xueer panic. She reached up to wipe the tear on the corner of her eye and starts to coax the girl.

"Hey, hey. Why are you crying? Don't cry, don't cry."

She gently pats her head then softly strokes her hair as Jiaqi sniffs back her tears.

"Don't cry," the noirette coos.

"I ruined the surprise~" Jiaqi sniffs. "There's no more surprise, I spoiled it wahhh~" she wails.

"No, no, no, you didn't spoil anything," Xueer hurriedly says. "There's still a surprise."

 Jiaqi stops wailing and cutely blinks back her tears. With a frown, she asks, "There is~?"

"Yes, yes. There is."

Jiaqi pouts. "H-how..."

Xueer thinks for an idea to completely coax the sulking child.

"Then....Then I can just...pretend! to not know about it. Yes, yes. That could work...right...?"

She observes the bluenette's expression and slowly saw her eyes lighting up. Jiaqi nods giddily, agreeing with the noirette's idea, making the latter sigh a breath of relief.

"Aren't you sleepy yet...?" she softly whispers.

With the mention of sleep, a yawn suddenly escapes the taller's lips. she sheepishly looked at Xueer then proceeds to grin at her. Xueer chuckles at her and pats her head, telling her to get some sleep.

"You sleep first~" she yawns. "I'll take care of you..."

"But you drunk more than I did,"

"It's okay..." Jiaqi says. "Come here."

She opens her arms and waits for Xueer to snuggle comfortably in them. Since she was also feeling tired, the latter didn't argue and welcomed herself in Jiaqi's arms. The bluenette gently pats her girlfriend's head as she lulls her to sleep.

Just when Xueer was about to sleep, she heard Jiaqi mumbling.

"I love you..."

The noirette softly smiles. 'I love you too...'

"You're the best thing that happened to me..."

"I will take care of..."

'I know,'

"...and I will love you..."

'I know,'

"...and protect you..."

'I know,'

"...Even if it causes my life."


Somehow, that statement made Xueer heart's clench. She knows that it's just some drunken talks coming from the girl, and she probably wouldn't even remember it the next day, but it still made her a feel....sad.



Was the ending (for this chapter) bad...?

Stay safe everyone. Don't get sick. Stay hydrated. Wear your mask when going outside. And avoid crowded places <3

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