"Even after he spared his life...?"

"Mujin loved Jihoon, despite everything else, and he couldn't make his mind to kill someone, less his dear friend."

"Sounds like you, Hea" Hyunjin mumbled.

"Both Mujin and Jihoon had become powerful skilled men, trained like machines, and either could take the other down equally.

Jihoon murdered your uncles and their families, and even set their houses on fire. It was pure massacre, like a scene from a movie. Before Mujin could escape  back to Korea, Jihoon got him, and tortured him to lead him to you and your mom."

"What a horrible human being... even after his own family started it."

"I knew Jihoon for a long time, Tesoro, and even though he was kind, he always had that something; something that if triggered, he could easily become aggressive, and well... life changed him. I could always tell he probably wasn't going to be able to remain kind."


"Go ahead, just kill me" Mujin spit blood. 

"Areum and your daughter would be defenseless, is that what you want? You want me to get them and torture them?" 

"You won't get to them, Jihoon, not even if I'm dead. They also have Byungho by their side if I'm gone."

"You're so fucking full of yourself"

"No, I just didn't change who I am." Mujin quickly set his hands free and knocked Jihoon down. Jihoon had been torturing Mujin, but he still managed to move faster.

"Let's make a fucking deal, Jihoon."

"A deal? We're way too far from that."

"Let's just stop."

"What?" He asked, Mujin's hand over Jihoon's head, holding a gun.

"Our families messed up with each other, but you and me, we can stop it here. You leave me and my family alone, and I will do the same for your wife and kids. I know she's expecting a third one."

"You could never kill my family"

"Exactly, I could never, but if my wife and daughter are threatened, I'd throw myself to the train. Stay here, Jihoon, and I'll go back, and we don't mess with each other ever again."

Jihoon thought about it, but he wasn't sure. He was too full of anger towards Mujin and his brothers, even though Mujin didn't do anything directly.

"I can't stay here either, Mujin. Your brothers' allies will come for me"

"You did that on your own."

"How can I even trust you? Nothing assures me you won't seek revenge yourself."

Mujin grabbed a knife thrown on the floor. With his remaining strength, he dug the silver sharp into his skin, tracing a line.

"Facciamo un patto di sangue" (let's make a blood pact)

Jihoon hesitated yet again, but he knew a blood pact was a heavy promise, and as his brother and friend, he ended up accepting; tracing a line on his skin too.

"Leave Nonna out of this. She had nothing to do with it."

"You better tell her to get the hell out of the mansion, then"

"Jihoon... even after all nonna cared for you"

"You know how it works... those are your own words."

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