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Fuck, I'm such an idiot. Of all things I could do, I kissed Hyunjin. 

And okay, why a kiss, exactly? Why couldn't I just take out my gun and go to him? Too many people around, I guess, I didn't want to cause a commotion. 


I didn't want him to see me because I'm weak, and he'll trouble me. Why, even after learning the truth, why did my heart feel this way when I saw him? 

Just before separating my lips from Hyunjin's, I opened my eyes to see if he was still there, but he wasn't. Did I imagine it?

Am I too drunk? 

I stepped down, Hyunjin had a confused and surprised face. My head was already hurting like shit, and my stomach kicked over and over. 

Damn, I guess my alcohol resistance gets weak as time goes by, because I am drunk. 

"How many glasses of wine did I have?" 

"Around 6, maybe" He replied, his voice sounded funny. 

"Are you drunk too?" 

"Not enough to randomly kiss you, though, but a little, yeah." 

"I think I need to lay down" I started walking back to the hotel. I saw Changbin a few steps back from us, he was looking at me with widened eyes. 

"What the hell?" He mouthed 

"I don't know" I mouthed back, shrugging. 

I wasn't even aware if Hyunjin was behind me or not; all I wanted was to lay down and rest my head. Did I really imagine him between the crowd? Why is my head spinning like crazy now? 

I barely greeted the girl in the reception, trying my best to pretend I was completely fine, as I walked back to the room. 

The closer I was to our door, the better I felt, somehow. I opened it and closed it immediately, sliding down my back to the floor. 

I Held my head again, trying to calm myself down. After a few seconds, I stood back up and threw myself on the bed. I brought my hands to my face, it felt hot, I sighed. 

Really Hea, a kiss? What were you thinking? 

I remained on my bed, upside down, head on the edge pointing to the floor. I barely remember a time my dad came home drunk and mom told him to do that. 

She was laughing though, so maybe she was just shitting with him for fun. Maybe she's laughing at me right now, too.

After a few minutes, I heard the door lock. I raised my head, resting on my elbows. 

"At least give me the keys so I can come inside" Hyunjin opened, closing back behind him and placing the borrowed keys on the side table.  

"Sorry" I went back to the position I was in. Hyunjin stared at me, before rolling his eyes. 

"What?" I asked. 

"You kissed me, and I come back and you're in that position. Do you want to kill me?"  He also came to bed to lay down just like I was, beside me. I brought my head up and slid up a little, my head was already hurting. 

"I'm sorry for kissing you" 

"Why did you do it?" 

"I'm too drunk" 

"Fair enough" He laughed. 

I turned my head to him, his eyes were closed, but he was still smiling, as if he had won the lottery.

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