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We've waited 4 hours now. Hyunjin has been in surgery for 4 hours, and all I can think of right now is his health.

This is my fault. If only I hadn't trust him, if only I hadn't let my feelings take over my duties and our protection... I knew it was no good.

I knew opening my heart would eventually lead to disaster, but I ignored it; and now, Hyunjin is paying for it.

I hate myself.

And I hate him.

The thought of Minho wanted to take over me, and I was doing my best to suppress it. He doesn't get to be more important than my family.

I heard the doors from surgery room open, Doctor Park came out, he looked tired. We avoided hospitals almost completely, only if it was totally necessary, we would go.

Doctor Park was an acquaintance from my dad. He would let our men in from the hospital's back door, and attend them quickly and quietly.

Hyunjin's wound wasn't something to treat fast, but at least nobody would ask about it.

"How is he?"

"He's out of danger."

Changbin and I let a huge sigh of relief. "When can I take him home?"

"Tomorrow morning, he needs to wake up from anesthesia and settle down a little." The doctor said.

"Thank you so much, doctor."

"Is your father still in this business...?"

"My... father passed away some years ago."

The doctor's expression changed to a troubled face, or disappointed, maybe.

"I guess you're not even surprised." I added.

"Honestly, no. I knew he was up to no good. I just wish you kids weren't involved in this. You all have brilliant futures... don't waste it. That goes for you, too." He pointed at Changbin.

"Anyway, he'll be fine, don't worry."

We both bowed, thanking the doctor again, as he turned around to leave. There was silence between Changbin and I, and we knew why; we just didn't want to bring the topic up.

"You should head home, Bin. You know we can't stay there anymore, so we'll have to start moving stuff. I'll take care of him for today."

"Are you crazy? Those guys can figure he's here"

"That's one of the reasons why I'll stay. I need to take care of him"

"Are you listening to yourself? You can't stay here unprotected. I'll go tell the others to go, I'll stay."

"Changbin, the faster we do this, the faster you get to rest. I'll tell Dowon to stick around."

He smiled, turning his back to me to walk away. "I'll tell them to leave."

"I just said-"

"I knew he was your favorite." He joked (not really)

"You're my favorite, that's why I want YOU to do this-"

"Can't hear ya!"

Tch. He's supposed to be working for me, yet he never does a I say.

"Careful, careful" I helped Hyunjin getting off the car.

"I told you I'm fine, nothing bad happened"

"Yeah, you just got shot and went to surgery, but nothing important" I said, sarcastically. Hyunjin rolled his eyes and leaned on me to walk.

DENARIUS || Lee Know Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ