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What the fuck is going on? Why are Hyunjin and Hea here?

I was still hidden between the wall and the old closet, playing a high chance of being caught by either Chan or Felix. My head is a mess right now, and I'm very confused, to say the least, about what's going on.

However, I can't stop thinking about Hea. She's in great danger, I know Hyunjin too, but I'm more worried about her, and I don't know why.

I managed to still have a full view of everything going on without showing myself. As much as I wanted to just run to them and help, I couldn't. I can't  be linked to my brothers, it'd just make things worse.

Hea's POV

"Hea, listen to me" Hyunjin whispered. Chan had gone out of the room, who knows what for. I raised my head to him.

"Now?" I asked.

"Not yet. We don't know if he'll come with others, but remember, this is what we've been trained for."

"I know, I know, I just hate pretending to be the damisel in distress." I chuckled. It's true we were beaten up, but it's still part of a plan. We allowed them to do so, so they'd believe it.

"If he comes alone, you take your gun and shoot him" Hyunjin commanded.

"You shoot him!" I whispered. "You know I haven't killed before..."

"This isn't the moment to bring up traumas, Hea. He kill-"

Christopher opened the door and got in, alone.

"You do it" I mouthed Hyunjin quickly before the other one noticed. Hyunjin stared at me and sighed, agreeing on it. I just can't bring myself to kill someone, not yet. Hyunjin is fine with it, but I'm not.

Minho's POV

Trained..? Pretend? Kill? Something is definitely fishy with those two. I always knew Hyunjin's family played a bit dirty for money, but nothing like this.

I also didn't care if anything happened to Chan or Felix. They've earned it on their own, for the path they chose.

Suddenly, the door opened, revealing Chan. I noticed he didn't close it back, which is weird enough, if he's trying to get rid of someone.

"So" Chan started. "Who wants to go first?"

They both went back to being weak up and pained, as if minutes ago they weren't talking normally.

"Should I kill your hot wife first, Hwang?"

"Do whatever You want with her" Hyunjin coldly responded.


"Oh? You hear that, miss Nara? He's pretending he's not interested in his TOY" he kicked her on the stomach. I flinched to what I saw, anger invaded me, but I had to stay still.

Nara? Isn't her name Hea? What a fucking mess.

"I know you're pretending, Hwang." He pulled out his gun and smiled. "Watch me get rid of this slut of yours, just like I ended with those other fuckers."

Hea lifted her head, her eyes changed completely. It was as if what Chan said triggered her madly.

"Fuck You" Hyunjin scoffed.

"What?" Chan kneeled in front of Hyunjin. "Haven't you told your wifey about the family YOU got killed for getting in our way?" He chuckled, turning now to Hea.

"You see, we were just fine, seven years ago." He began, standing up and walking to her. "We were peacefully-"

"Stealing my family's money" Hyunjin interrupted.

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