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"I said call an ambulance!!"

"Hea, there's nothing to do..."

"Hyunjin...I lost them" 

"Your mom is at the hospital, let's head there."

"No can do, kids."

"What do you mean?"

"At least not right now. We have to secure your identity."

"Our identity?"

"Not yours, young Hwang, Hea's."


"They'll come for her. Right now, we must get rid of every information about her and her family."

"I can't have no identity! Are you crazy?!"

"Do you want to die?"


"So you listen to me. We'll teach you what you need to know. You'll disappear from public light, until the day you're ready to be the leader."

"I'm... not qualified... and I don't want this, it's too sudden."

"Unfortunate events happen, we must investigate why did this happen. Young Hwang, you'll be by her side."

"Wow wow, don't drag him into this, he should have a normal lif-"

"Actually, Hea-"


"Ah...those dreams again" I thought as I woke up abruptly. From time to time, I dream about what happened 7 years ago with my family. I like to call them dreams, so maybe I can fool myself that they're just dreams, but they're actually flashbacks, which happen when I'm sleeping. 

My life changed drastically that day. If only I could go back and tell my younger self to be prepared, I'd do it without thinking too much.

Since that day, I was obligated to do things I didn't want to, and it just got worse as years went by, to the point  I became emotionless. People have been killed under my surname, I've made money out of drug dealing...the only thing I haven't done and I refuse to do, to this day, is killing someone myself; that's not who I am.

I wish nothing was real.

I shook my head a bit to stop having such depressing thoughts. My head hurt like hell, of course. I had way too many drinks last night.

Which reminds me of what I did. I closed my eyes and sighed, rubbing my forehead. I must admit, it felt amazing. I've only done it a few times, but nothing out of this world, and the guys always leave, of course. But this time, just wow.

I rolled to the side to feel the cold spot beside me.

Except that it wasn't cold, and it wasn't empty.

He was there. Incredibly, he was still there, he didn't leave. He was half naked, just his boxers on, and asleep. I couldn't help but to chuckle at the situation. I admired carefully his marked body, damn he's hot.

"Are you going to stare at me all day or...?" He said with a morning voice, making me flinch and look the other way. He laughed, rolling to face me instead.

"I thought you'd be gone by now." I said.

"This bed is too comfortable to leave." He joked. "What was your name again? I forgot"

I looked at him quite offended, making him laugh again. "I'm joking! I wasn't that drunk, miss Hea."

He seemed to be having the time of his life laughing at my reactions and frowns, but I just found him intriguing. Most guys who hook up for the night leave first thing in the morning to avoid "feelings", but this guy... I just don't understand why does this drags my attention so much.

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