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"Why didn't you listen to me?? I told you several times to leave!"

She remained silent, still crying.

"Why did you run away from Changbin? Are you crazy??"

Still no response.


She loosened her arms around the sweater, which was really dirty and wet. She sobbed harder and harder.

"Im so so sorry" she eyed the sweater, unfolding it gently.

"What's wrong?" I asked, looking now at the sweater. She stopped midway and brought the sweater back to her chest, crying and hugging it.

"I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry" she cried.

I couldn't understand what was wrong with her, untill she lowered once again her arms and put the sweater on her lap.

She finally unfolded it. There was a little kitten, dead. She caressed his little head and apologized again and again to him. It actually broke my heart,  she looked so fragile and full of feelings, but seeing her apologizing to the kitten was devastating for me.

I sighed, getting closer to her. I don't know if it was the right thing to do, but I put my arm around her neck, allowing her to rest her head on my shoulder, and she did. I caressed her hair while she gently touched the kitty.

"What happened?" I asked, calmed.

Hea's POV
Earlier that day

"Ready?" I asked Changbin as he got in the car and handed me the money.

"All done. I love it when it's this fast" he joked.

He started driving back home, the evening was beautiful. I wondered when was the last time I actually went out just to relax.

After a while, I talked to Changbin.

"Do you know if there's a river near here?"

"A river?" He saw through the rearview, I nodded.

"Lemme Check here. What for?"

" I just want to chill for a while outside"

"Have you seen your house?" He chuckled.

"I mean yeah... but it's not the same."

"If you say so..." he looked for what I was asking, untill he seemed to find something.

"There's a side road that leads to a close river, according to this"

"Really?? Let's go! Please please"

"I don't  know if it's a good a idea Miss Hea, maybe we should head home and plan it better?"

"Ugh I hate planned plans. I just want it to be spontaneous" I whined. "Please?"

"Fine, but just for a short while, it's for your safety."

"Yes!" I clapped happily.

Shortly, we turned around, deviating from the main road. Eventually, we parked over the road and got off; Changbin wasn't really thrilled about the plan, but being the good friend he is, he spoiled me anyways.

We walked a short distance, untill we got to a beautiful river. I felt so happy with the view and the peace, I really wanted to do that.

I sat near the river. Changbin just stood there, doing nothing, he's so boring I swear.

"Sit down" I patted the spot.

"It's okay, I can stay here"

"What, do you hate me?"

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