Chapter 20: Meeting Ho-Oh and The Three Legendary Beasts Face-to-Face!

Start from the beginning

"Apparently Ho-Oh still watches over humans," Eusine said, "and so do the three Pokémon that Ho-Oh were said to create."

"You mean the three Legendary Beasts Entei, Raikou and Suicune right?" Luna asked.

"You know about the three Legendary Beasts Luna?" Morty asked.

Luna nodded, "Yes, I've read about them many times before," she said, "I also read that Ho-Oh created them from the flames, when the tin tower was burned down."

"That's correct," Eusine said, "and Ho-Oh sent them to watch over humans in his place."

"Excuse me, but Tomo, Misty, Brock and I have met Suicune before." Luna said, "Not once but twice."

"Lu is right," Misty said, "First we met Suicune at the beginning of our Johto region journey and we met Suicune again in the forest next to Arborville."

Brock and Tomo nodded in agreement.

"Wow first Ho-Oh then Suicune, you're lucky Lu." Morty said.

Eusine could not believe that Luna had seen Ho-Oh and Suicune and called her a liar.

Pichu and 'Pikachu' didn't take it lightly they began to glare at him.

Morty seen that face when he called her a liar and when Zorua actually spoke through telepathy to say that he made a mistake.

'Pikachu' was about to say something but Pichu said not to say anything yet.

"I'm afraid I speak the truth," Luna said calmly, "and I have a Pokémon witness with me to prove it."

Luna took off a PokéBall from her waist and sent out Celebi.

Morty and Eusine could not believe their eyes once they saw Celebi.

"It's good to be out of the PokéBall again." Celebi said stretching her arms out. "Luna are you okay because of it?" She knew that whatever was inside she could sense it.

Luna nodded saying it's fine.

Eusine and Morty were speechless once they realised that Celebi could talk in telepathy.

"Wow Luna," Morty said, "you have another Legendary Pokémon."

"Yep," Luna said, "I got Celebi in the same forest, where I met Suicune."

"Luna speaks the truth." Celebi said.

Eusine felt absolutely jealous of Luna seeing Ho-Oh and Suicune and having Lugia and Celebi on his Pokémon team. What he didn't know was that she had a Cresselia and Rayquaza on her as well.

Just then Celebi flew over to the window of the gym.

"What's wrong Celebi?" Luna asked.

"I sense a lot of trouble in the forest around Ecruteak City Luna," Celebi answered, "and all of the wild Pokémon are upset."

"I bet they are upset because of the crystal bells being stolen." Brock said.

"We need to find the crystal bells now." Morty said.

Everyone agreed and left the gym to search for the bells at once.

Once they got out of the gym, they saw the burned tower and nearly everywhere else in Ecruteak City was being covered by string shot by the wild bug Pokémon.

Misty didn't like seeing all the wild bug Pokémon.

Celebi had a word with a wild Tangela and asked it what was going on, "The Tangela said that they are angry of the thieves, who stole the crystal bells." She said.

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