4. Discreet items

Start from the beginning

Just as I gasped the doorknob and opened it an inch, a hand from behind me pushed and held the door closed.

I turned and looked up, to be met by the disapproving glance of Andrew as he leaned over me
"Where do you think you're going?"

I remained silent, just staring, frozen and unsure of what to say.
He urged on.

I gulped before pulling my confidence back together

"Oh really?"
Andrew gave me a knowing look but I kept going.
"I jus need sumfin, I'll be reallllly fast"
I mumbled and Andrew stood up fully.
"What do you need?"

"What do you need Jamie? I can run down and get you whatever you need. No capers in the night for you, you really shouldn't even be messing around on the stairs like that.

My cheeks burned bright red, had he seen me skidding down on my ass? I pushed the embarrassing thought aside as I tried to plead my case.
"Andi really, I appreciate the offer but I'll just go by myself, I'll be so quick you won't even notice I'm gone!"

He seemed taken by me shortening his name and i could see the small internal battle on his face before he reluctantly lightened the restrictions on me leaving.
"Jamie, its dark out, it's dangerous for someone your age, I'd worry. So If you'd prefer I can bring you around, but I'm not having you go on your own"
That still wasn't good enough for me.

"No! I havta go myself!"
I said in a tone that sounded alot whinier than I thought it would. Andrew removed his hand from the door and placed it on my shoulder.
"What's going on hun? Why do you need to go yourself?"

I yelled louder than I intended to but Andrew didn't flinch, he just continued rubbing my shoulder.
"Jamie I need you to bear with me here, cause I'm taking a bit of a shot in the dark, ok?"

I didn't really get what he said but I responded with an "ok" as he wiped away a tear I didn't even realise I'd shed. My body was messed up.

"Hun... do you need some more pullups?"


Jamie froze, we both were. Frozen waiting for the other to say something. Finally Jamie's frozen emotions bubbled over and shouted while trying to push at me, becoming very defensive.

I could tell easily the shouting and anger was all a ruse. They were gonna have to try a little harder to fool me.

"Jamie, there's no need to yell. I know, I know about your pullups ok?"


Jamie tried to continue to speak but seemed unable to, their mouth flopping open and closed.
"You don't have to say anything about darling, I don't have to say anything either"
Jamies back hit the door and they began to slide down.
"I don't"
Jamie uttered, the quiver in their voice prominent. I sighed

"Jamie. I saw the package when I was getting your clothes to wash. There's nothing to be embarrassed about, we don't have to talk any more about it, just tell me when your running low... and I can get you more. Ok?"

Jamie looked up at me again, his deep night sky eyes becoming clouded by tears. A small angry frown on their face that soon broke, from a small sob escaping.

I'm not a puppy! (age regression)Where stories live. Discover now