Chapter 18: Lugia's Arc

Start from the beginning

Ritchie understood.

Arashi was happy being in the ocean and started to cry out happily.

But then the gang heard a cry that sounded like Lugia, only smaller.

"Did you guys hear that?" Brock asked.

"I did," Luna asked, "that sounded like a baby Lugia, Arashi made that sound when he was a baby."

"I think it came from that island." Ritchie said pointing to an island near where they were.

"Then I suggest that we head over there to investigate." Luna said.

The others agreed with her, they found a rowboat and paddled over to the island and Arashi stayed close by to them.

Luna released Triton to keep an eye on Lugia underwater, she'll called for it when there is danger.

What the gang didn't know was that trouble was around.

Some Team Rocket grunts were snooping around in the ocean searching for something.

These grunts were working for a man named Dr Namba. Dr Namba was a scientist of Team Rocket and he was cruel, power hungry and violent as Giovanni was.

What Dr Namba loved to do was use experiments on Pokémon and he never cared if his experiments were harming Pokémon.

Dr Namba had heard rumours about a Lugia living around the Whirl Islands and had come to the Whirl Islands to see if the rumours were true, he planned was to capture Lugia and use it for his experiments and use Lugia's power for his own evil deeds.

On the island, where the gang were heading, a boy was swimming in the sea and he had two Pokémon with him; a Lanturn and a baby Lugia.

"Hey let's play chase Silver." The boy said.

Silver was the baby Lugia's name.

Apparently the boy was friends with the baby Lugia.

Just then they heard the sound of a Lugia. "What was that?" The boy asked, "I mean that didn't sound like your parent Silver. It sounded like there is another Lugia around here."

Silver began making crying out, which meant it wanted to see the other Lugia.

"All right then Silver, let's go see if there is another Lugia here." The boy said.

Silver and the boy were just about to find out where the cry was from, but suddenly they got surrounded by some Team Rocket grunts.

"Hand over that baby Lugia kid." One of the grunts demanded.

"Never!" The boy shouted.

He, Silver and Lanturn began to swim away from the grunts, but the grunt weren't giving up that easily and began to chase them.

Meanwhile the gang had just arrived on the island.

Just then Arashi began to cry out in worry.

"What's wrong?" Ritchie asked.

"Arashi can sense that trouble is brewing around here." Luna replied.

Arashi started to fly in another direction, and the gang followed him.

"Since Arashi is getting upset," she said, "I reckon that there is a baby Lugia around here and in danger."

"If that's the case we better hurry." Ritchie said.

At that time, the boy, Silver and Lanturn were still being chased, right now a black submarine was following them.

But then the gang turned up.

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