Chapter 17: The Whirl Cup Competition Begins!

Start from the beginning

The dragon scale was a blue and yellow scale, which was needed to make Seadra evolve into Kingdra.

Soon the trading took place and Misty and Luke sent out the Pokémon.

Everyone stared in amazement as the three Poliwhirls evolved into Politoeds and the Seadra evolved into Kingdra.

"I find the different types of Pokémon evolution amazing." Luna said.

"So do I." Tomo said.

Misty and Luke traded back their Pokémon and thanked each other.

Misty gave Luna back her king's rock and placed her own king's rock back into her back pack.

With everything now settled, the gang headed off to the ocean, so that Luna and Misty could train their water Pokémon for a bit. Misty checked her five water Pokémon; Staryu, Corsola, two Politoeds and Croconaw, to see if they were okay.

Then it was time for training.

Luna had her two Buizel practice their ice punch and had her Lanturn practice her electric moves with Pichu.

Misty checked all of her Pokémon moves. Apparently her two Politoeds had learnt two new moves; bounce and hyper voice.

Luna and Misty went on training their water Pokémon and talked about the Whirl cup until it was time for bed.

"The preliminary rounds will be a piece of cake tomorrow." Luna said.

Misty agreed.

Meanwhile Team Rocket was lurking about in Scarlet City.

"So this place is where the Whirl Cup is supposed to be." Jessie said.

"So we are going to nick all the water Pokémon from the trainers then?" Meowth asked.

"Actually I have a better idea." James said.

"Oh really, what is it?" Jessie asked.

"Well do you guys remember those water Pokémon poachers that were arrested two days ago?" James said.

Jessie and Meowth nodded.

"Well I suggest we do what they did," James said, "I mean water Pokémon fishing is allowed around here, so we fish a lot of water Pokémon here, catch them and then send them to the boss."

"I like that idea actually," Meowth said, "I mean the other Team Rocket members are always gathering up wild pokemon for the boss."

"Yes and since everyone will be busy on the Whirl Cup, no one will be getting in our way then." Jessie said.

"Yes, but we will have to dress up in normal fishing clothes though," James said, "I mean if we are seen in our Team Rocket uniform, then we will be in trouble.

Jessie and Meowth understood.

"Oh but where will we get any rods and empty PokéBalls from?" Meowth asked, "we don't have any of those on us."

"Not a problem" James said. He presented three rods and a big bag full of empty lure balls.

"Where did you get this lot from?" Jessie asked.

"I got this from the abandoned storehouse, where those two poachers left their gear," James answered, "the police didn't know what to do with them. But I, dressed as a normal fisherman, asked them if I could have the rods and lure balls and they agreed."

"Bravo James," Jessie said, "when shall we start fishing?"

"Let's start tomorrow," Meowth suggested, "since it's going to be busy gathering the water Pokémon, we should get ourselves rested tonight." Jessie and James agreed.

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