Because of Time

Depuis le début

I, on the other hand, had a towel wrapped around my soaked hair and bags under my eyes like I went shopping.

We both stared at each other until my aunt cleared her throat.

"I'll leave you two to catch up." She says before getting off the couch, patting Taehyung on the head, and walking out to the kitchen. Now if I didn't know my aunt any better I knew she was going to eavesdrop on our conversation like we were twelve.

I looked into the kitchen to see my uncle trying to make himself look busy by looking at a manual on how to fix a toaster but was in front of the refrigerator.

My aunt scurried off to tend to her plants on the windowsill that looked more like a cemetery than anything. I crossed my arms and chuckled, shaking my head, and walked away.

Instead of taking any chances, I grabbed Tae by the forearm and he almost chokes from the sip he had taken and follows reluctantly up to my room. I closed the door for safekeeping.

"What are you doing here?" I huffed. Turning around away from my door I see Taehyung making himself at home by laying on my bed like it's his own. Anytime before I would love to see someone as gorgeous as him on my bed but it's not the time now.

"I'm here for tea and biscuits." He replied like I should've already known.

"Cut the act Tae." I crossed my arms over my chest and leaned on one leg.

"Ok fine. I wanted to see you before I left." He held up his hands and I sighed.

"Couldn't you just text me and we would've met up somewhere?"

"I was going to but then your Aunt approached me and I couldn't resist seeing where my kitty lives." He smirked darkly and I groaned throwing a plushie from off my nightstand and smacking him in the face.

I kept hitting him until he snatched my wrist and dragged me to the bed, pulling me down and I screamed. Never letting go of the pillow I kept hitting him and I saw his smile and wild eyes blazing at me.

He was on top of me. His hands came up my arms trying to stop my actions but I shimmied my way out of them only to wrap my legs around his waist bringing him down with all my force. Somehow I got him on my bed again and I took this time to finalize my attacks.

I grabbed two pillows and hit him hard and I couldn't see straight from all the laughing and giggling I was doing. Tae grabbed me by the waist and pushed me off him to land on the spot next to him.

My breath was heavy, my heart was pounding and all the blood was pumping through my veins. I took this time to close my eyes and once I opened them he was staring at me.

The towel had come off my head due to the brawl so my damped hair was sprawled out all around me on the bed.

The sun was coming in through the blinds hitting certain spots in my eyes but it made my ginger hair glow anew. Taehyung studied me, his angelic eyes burning with this intensity. We were so close our breath mingled together.

I just wanted to kiss him. His pink lips looked like cushions from here. I bit my lip and flutter my eyelashes feeling my body become all hot all of a sudden

"You an enchantress," Taehyung whispered, moving his hands through my hair and feeling against the grains of the curls. He cupped my cheek and smoothed his thumb over my skin. The time couldn't have felt more perfect, us being together in this room by ourselves. The atmosphere felt just right.

The room swiveled with this passionate feeling that just wanted to overtake both of us. I placed my hand over his and smiled never losing eye contact. Kiss me, I pleaded with my eyes. Take what you know is yours.

No Ordinary Love |KTH|Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant