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       ELLA USED HER HOUR AT THE STUDIO TO PRACTICE HER BALLET STACES, DESPITE her not needing to do so anymore, she couldn't help it

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ELLA USED HER HOUR AT THE STUDIO TO PRACTICE HER BALLET STACES, DESPITE her not needing to do so anymore, she couldn't help it. It was so drilled into her, and it was the only time she felt like she could breathe in the red room.

For Jamie it was different, for him it was working out, he knew with him working out was a time where he could breathe while under hydra's control. While he was wasn't under control like his father, he was manipulated by them. He didn't have heart warming memories of the red room, either. While he did have his sister and mother, the red room didn't care about him.

That's how the twins spent their day, each doing their own activity to allow themselves normalcy, that they were used to.

MONTHS WENT ON AND NATASHA AND BUCKY, HE INSISTED SHE CALL HIM BUCKY, had gotten close. He knew about her kids, and he'd seen them walking together at the shield facility, and he questioned it. That's when he learned of the Romanova twins being offsprings of his best friend, who is still captive by Hydra. He jumped to help them track him.

The first time Bucky meet the twins, actually met the twins he saw the resemblance of Steve. Their smile, their eyes, and their blonde hair, that was just the physical aspect. They resembled both of their parents, but they looked a lot like Steve, Bucky thought it was the blonde hair. If they would have red hair, they'd look more like Nat.

The first time Ella met Bucky she stared at him, well more like she stared him down. James stared at him, just not as intensively as his twin sister.

Ella and James could see how close their mother is to Bucky. The lingering looks, the lingering touches, while Nat and Bucky thought they were being slick, the twins caught on. To any untrained eye or random agent, it just looked like friends but the twins knew better. They got to known their mother better, and knew she cared for Bucky. And they could see it in Bucky's eyes, he cares for Natasha.

           ONE AFTERNOON, NATASHA HAD COME HOME TO FIND ELLA, AND JAMIE FREAKING out, she told them to pack a bag, and they quickly did as told. Ella and James had both seen the news, and then they saw a person who was killed come back to life right before their eyes. The officers were shooting at them, and they just kept coming at them. Ella lead Jamie and herself away, her training kicked in, and she pushed through the crowd, her hand clutching Jamie's she wasn't going to lose him. They made it to the back alley of their apartment building, she made him club first and she followed after him. Natasha had gotten some of their weapons around the house.

"How bad?" Ella asks her mother. Natasha is currently on her laptop and Jamie walks out with two bags, the bag he had already prepared to run, his most important one, and an extra one with clothes.

"Very bad." Natasha says.

"We a a guy—well more like a dead guy—" Jamie says as Natasha is still focus on the documents and video evidence that was sent her way. "The cops were shooting at him and he still kept coming at them." Jamie tells her. Thinking back to the events after school.

"It was like a zombie—like the comics Jamie reads." Ella says and this catches Natasha's attention, she turns to look at both twins.

"You saw it?" Natasha asks them, the two blondes nod their heads. The two tell her everything, what their classmates at school had been saying for the past two days.

      THE ROMANOVA FAMILY ARE INSIDE A SHIELD FACILITY, EVERYONE WHO GOES OUT gets checked, when Shied noticed the government failing to protect everyone around them, they did what they always do, they stepped in. Director Fury had their best agents, bring people in as they built walls around the settlement. Jamie, Ella, and Nat sit in a conference room by themselves, waiting for Fury, Bucky, and Clint to arrive. They were to discuss if they would keep looking for Captain Rogers.

THE MEETING LEFT A SOUR TASTE IN THE TWINS MOUTH, WHILE THEY UNDERSTAND THAT they need to help everyone here, now, they felt like they were abandoning their biological father. There were moments in hydra's clutches that Steve would regain conscious, his triggers, Jamie and Ella.

Hydra had left him out a little longer than usual, and he trained both Leo and Jamie. Steve's eyes held recognition in them, when his eyes landed on a seven year old Jamie. While Steve was lost most of the time, he remembered Ella and Jamie, they were his.

Jamie's new mission was to track down this new power course that altered them of its presence every so often, it was random. It didn't have a pattern so it didn't make sense to him. This new way a life was confusing for them all, while they still went to school, the twins were thrusted into more responsibilities due to the many lives the entire world had lost. The government had not been prepared, for this.

The Romanova family was grateful that their family was state while everything went down, allowing them to be together.

      THE ROMANOVA FAMILY ALONG WITH LEO, ANYA, AND BUCKY TRACKED DOWN THE power source, but as soon as it appears it vanishes. They weren't the only ones track it, so was hydra. They'd all gone to various locations, mostly in Georgia. It was so dam random and hard to keep track, it was as if it was on the move, and they seem to have company, hydra agents arriving a few minutes after them.

"It doesn't make sense." Jamie mutters to himself.

"What doesn't?" Tony asks him.

"The signal, it appears, just as fast as it vanishes." Jamie says.

"Whats if it's on the move?" He asks and Jamie looks at him.

"You genius!" Jamie says. "But that's a lot of fuel, and there hasn't been much activity in months." Tony nods taking a look at what he has on the files. Tony had met the Romanova twins through Natasha, while she pretended to be Natalie Rushman. The two bounce back ideas of what it can be and Ella even joined them. Ella who wasn't overly excited over this new mission.

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Second day of my Birthday week! Five more days to go! So I hope you guys enjoy the updates do come this week. I'll try to update everyday! Don't forget to vote, comment, and share. I truly hope you guys enjoy!!! I've been doing this little tradition since I joined writing on here.
Updated Aug 08, 2022

 Updated Aug 08, 2022

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