25 - New York Serenade

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The crackling sound from the cloud spooked the horses and they ran away. The wind rushed towards them along with the purple cloud, "That's no storm. That's magic. Come. We need to get you to safety now," Prince Phillip said.

The cloud growled as it moved towards them and they ran towards the gazebo and hugged each other protectively as the cloud passed over them but nothing happened.

"Are you alright?" Prince Phillip asked.

"Yeah, yeah. I think so. What was that?" Aurora said.

"I don't know," Prince Phillip said.

They turned to see the dwarves, Captain Hook, Granny, Belle, Neal, The Evil Queen, Snow White and Prince Charming, standing in front of them in the outfits they wore when they were last in the Enchanted Forest.

"Snow... What happened?" Aurora asked.

She walked forward a little, "We're back," Snow White said.


Katy and Will walked through the Wonderland Castle with Daniella between them, "I'm glad you're back," Will said.

"Me too, thank you for being patient with me," Katy said.

"Don't mention it. Seriously don't," Will said.

"You hated it didn't you?" Katy asked.

"Every day," Will said.

Daniella looked at Will, "What do I call you?" Daniella asked.

"Anything you want, lass," Will said.

"Oh, so dumbass and idiot are on the plate of names are they?" Katy asked with a smile.

"Hey! Anything but insults," Will said and they chuckled.

"Is Will okay for now?" Daniella asked.

Will smiled, "That's fine, lass. Ah, here we are," Will said and opened a door then Daniella walked in to see her bedroom.

"What do you think?" Katy asked.

"It's like my room in Phuket," Daniella looked at Katy, "How did you know?" Daniella asked.

"Your papa showed me a picture then I sent it to Will," Katy said as she walked up to her.

Daniella smiled and they hugged, "Thank you," Daniella said.

"We'll let you get settled in," Katy said and kissed her head before she left with Will.

World Within Snow...

Calliope was walking down a corridor with Tristian and Adam, she was dressed in a black off the shoulders dress, "And this is our grandmother Dominique Winter... Our father's mother," Tristian said.

"She seems... Nice," Adam and Tristian looked at Calliope who shrugged, "What I say?" Calliope asked.

Home is Where the Heart is [OUAT|| Swan Princess Trio Book #3]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ