"Told ya so," Evangeline said as she glanced at Sebastian who rolled his eyes with a smile.

"Yes," Regina, David and Mary Margaret said.

"You can stop it by using the scroll itself. It can only be undone by the person who used the scroll. That's you, Regina," Mr Gold said.

Back at the well with Felix and Pan, "What she did is child's play compared to what I have in mind," Pan said in Henry's body and he dropped in another ingredient into the well, once the ingredient hit the water it began to bubble.

"I knew you'd win... Peter Pan never fails," Felix said and Pan smiled as he dropped in another ingredient.

Back at the vault, "What do I have to do?" Regina asked.

"You must destroy the scroll. Both your curse and his shall be ended, but know this there will be a price. A steep one," Mr Gold said.

"We don't know the price you'll have to pay, but you'll realise it when it's time," Faye looked at Evangeline and Sebastian, "Your portals, do you have to prepare for it or is it like bean and open up straight away?" Faye said.

"Open up straight away, so when this is over we can go there," Evangeline said.

"I can deal with that," Faye said.

"What do you two suggest we do?" Regina asked Faye and Mr Gold.

Faye and Mr Gold looked at each other, "Plan one or plan two?" Faye asked.

"Plan two," Mr Gold said.

"What?" Regina asked.

Mr Gold looked at her, "Instead of going to him, bring him to us with a spell one that will return Pan and Henry to their own bodies," Mr Gold said.

"But if Pan enacts the curse... He needs the heart of the thing he loves most... Who does he love most?" Faye raised her hand as Mr Gold pointed to her, "And you're staying? You got a death wish?" Regina asked.

"He can't get my heart. No one can, well..." Faye looked at David then back at Regina, "Not physically anyway. However, I fear, he'll find another way," Faye said.

"You need to leave," David said.

"Get to use this... I am stubborn, I will not budge when I set my mind to something," Faye said.

"Dad fought her daily, now... That's your job... Oh and stubbornness runs in our family, just like yours," Elsie said with a smile.

At the well, Pan had thrown in all the ingredients and the water continued to bubble in the well, waiting for the remaining ingredient, "Are we missing something?" Felix asked, noticing the curse hadn't been enacted.

"Yes," Pan said in Henry's body.

"What is it?" Felix asked.

"The heart of the thing I love most," Pan said in Henry's body.

"You mean your daughter's heart? Priscilla? Or your son? Rumpelstiltskin?" Felix asked.

"No, no, I... I never loved Rumpel... I love Priscilla, but I cannot get her heart, no matter what I try, I can't break her magic, she's stronger than I even though she doesn't know it," Pan said in Henry's body.

"Well, then whose heart do we need? Who else do you love?" Felix asked.

"Love can mean many things, Felix. It doesn't just come from romance or family. It can also come from loyalty. Friendship. Only one person has always believed in Pan," Pan said in Henry's body.

Felix realised where Pan was going, "That's me," Felix said in horror.

"Doesn't be afraid. Be flattered," Pan said in Henry's body.

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