Chapter 35: Poison

Start from the beginning

You had to remind yourself that that wasn't the point as you took the wrapper of the lemon drop and pulled its edges to open it as fully as you could, leaving the cellophane open just enough so it could cradle the sweet in its plastic.

You set it back on the desk, pulling the vial of Death Draught from your robe pocket, swirling it around for both procrastination reasons and dramatic effect reasons.

"Y/N, hurry up," Draco's hiss came from the doorway. "We don't have all night for your theatrics."

You rolled your eyes, swallowing back a snide remark about how you weren't even supposed to be the one doing this as you opened the vial.

You crouched down to be eye-level with the yellow candy as you tipped the vial over, whispering "Wingardium Leviosa!" to cause it to float and turn in mid-air, coating it completely and keeping the poison from touching you.

You used your wand to lower it back into its cellophane wrap, whispering "Reparo!" to it so it wrapped it up exactly as it had been before.

"How are you so sure that spell didn't just fix the candy, too?" Draco asked.

"Because I concentrated the spell on the cellophane, you moron. Anything you cast will only cast on what you concentrate it on."

Draco rolled his eyes, refraining from commenting on the name you had just called him. "We'll find out on Monday, I guess."

You exhaled heavily, nodding once as you removed your gloves, whispering "Incendio!" and watching them go up in flames, the ashes floating through the room silently.

"Evanesco," Draco said quietly, pointing his wand at the ashes of your enchanted gloves. With a shimmer, they quickly disappeared, leaving the floor looking completely unchanged.

"See, it only works on what you concentrate it on," you pointed out. "If you'd thought of me instead of the ashes, you would've effectively killed me."

"Not a bad idea," Draco muttered, a smirk on his face as you smacked him again. "I'm kidding, I'm kidding. Let's go."

You nodded quickly, grabbing the cloak from the chair you'd left it on, throwing it around you and Draco in a whirl of silver, and hurrying back down the staircase you had traveled up only a few moments before.

Your travel back to the dungeons was much faster than your trip to the office had been, mainly because the two of you were moving as quickly as possible this time around.

Draco started to pull the cloak off once you reached the hallway closest to your Common Room, but you held onto it tightly, hissing for Draco to leave it be. "I hear voices," you said, hushing your voice as much as possible. "We're going to look incredibly suspicious if we de-cloak now."

Draco huffed, but allowed you to readjust the cloak so both of you were still completely hidden.

Rounding a corner, you stopped short when you realized the people speaking outside of your Common Room were your roommate, Juniper, and Harry Potter.

"What is that git doing down here?" Draco muttered, and you nudged him with your elbow, a silent reminder for him to stop speaking lest either of them hear you. Your heart rate, however, had spiked.
Why was the Gryffindor boy down here?

"Why do you need to see her so badly?" Juniper was saying, and you cringed inwardly, hoping Harry wasn't talking about you.

But then again, you knew your luck was low, considering you and Draco were the only Slytherins you had ever seen Harry interact with, and Juniper wasn't close enough to Draco for Harry to be asking Juniper about.

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