Chapter 12 👨🏻‍🏫❤👮🏼‍♀️

Start from the beginning

Paula: Sergio! I missed you !

Sergio: I missed you too Paula! (He said with tears in his eyes)

I turn my head and see my mother looking at me.

Me: mom! (I say running away to take her in my arms)

Marivi: oh Raquel! My Girl I missed you so much! Come here! (She said opening her arms to me)

She recognized me I am very happy!

Me: mom! (I say hugging her crying)

She is crying too.

Me: I missed you so much mom! So much !

She wipes my tears away.

Marivi: don't cry my daughter. Don't cry, I'm here.

Me: are you okay mom?

Marivi: yes my love I'm fine. (She said stroking my cheek)

Me: I'm very happy to see you again mom.

Marivi: Me too Raquel, but what's wrong with Sergio? Why is he hurt on his cheek? And why is he limping?

I don't know how I'm going to answer it.

Me: he is ...

Sergio: Marivi, Paula, I think you are tired after your trip, you have to rest, and for that I ask you to come with me, to show you your room.

Thank you Sergio you saved me.

Paula: but I want to stay with mom and you!

I look at Sergio.

Sergio: You can come with us to our room. Since your mom needs to rest too, both of you can rest.

Paula: yeees!

Sergio: Marivi please come with me, so I can show you your room.

Marivi: my son, how many times have I told you that you have to stop talking to me in a formal way!

I'm laug. Sergio blushes.

Sergio: yes sorry ... sorry Marivi.

She takes his hand.

Marivi: come on! What are you waiting for ? take me to my room!

I explode with laughter when I see Sergio's face.

Sergio: yes, yes let's go.

Me: mom, I want to tell you something before you leave with Sergio.

Sergio looks at me, I nod.

Marivi: yes Raquel tell me.

Me: come with me I want no one to hear us.

We go to a corner isolated from the others. Paula stayed with Sergio, we will inform her in our room afterwards.

Marivi: what do you want to tell me Raquel?

Me: mom I ... I am pregnant.

Marivi: oh my daughter! Congratulation ! you may not know how happy i am! I'm going to have grandson! (she hugs me)

Me: I too am happy mom.

She caresses my belly.

Me: mom please don't tell anyone that. We will inform them only when the first trimester end.

Marivi: ok my daughter don't worry.

We come back to Sergio and Paula. Sergio takes mum to her room while I bring Paula to our room 2 minutes later Sergio joins us. We are all lying on the bed, Paula between Sergio and me.

Me: Paula, we need to tell you something.

Sergio: yes. (He said stressed)

He looks at me, I smile at him.

Sergio: Paula would you like to become a big sister?

Paula: yes! That we were in Madrid with dad, I kept asking mum that I want to have a little sister or a little brother, but she always told me no, it's not possible.

Because it was out of the question to have another child with Alberto.

Me: what if I tell you that in a few months, your little brother or sister will be born?

Paula: do you have a baby in your belly?

Me: I do ! Are you happy?

Paula: yeees! I am very happy !

She turns to Sergio.

Paula: are you its daddy?

Sergio: yes.

Paula: can you become my daddy too?

Oh I can't believe what I just heard!

Sergio: yes I would like. (He said with tears in his eyes)

Paula: so from now on I'll call you daddy.

Sergio is crying. I also cry.

Paula: oh don't cry are you sad because i'm going to call you daddy?

Sergio: no my love this are tears of joy, I'm very happy, that's why I'm crying. Can I hug you ?

Paula: yes dad! (She said throwing herself in his arms)

I take them both in my arms.

Me: my loves, I love you so much!

Both: we love you too.

I hug them.
Oh how happy I am! I've been dreaming of that day for a long time!

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