"If you don't mind me asking, what's bothering you, princesa?"

Ever since that moment, the two became instant friends, they would see each other every late afternoon, just talking about their day. The boy showed her about the shapeshifting gift he got when he was 5, it kinda freaked her out.


"They sound so lovely," she paused, "I hope I can meet your family since you already met mine,"

"Wait, really?" When the [eye. color]-eyed glanced at her significant other, seeing his eyes light up with excitement.

"Yea, I mean you've come to my house every now and then, my parents also know that we're dating. I think it's time for me to meet your family—BUT IF YOU'RE AGAINST THE IDEA, I'M OKAY WIT-"

"That's a great idea! So when are you coming over?! I want to show you around the house! Oh! Maybe get your future read by my tio, or you get to taste my tia's delicious meals, i can tell my mama will love you too!"

He was practically jumping from excitement, "oh, that would be so lovely, mi armor!" He exclaimed, lifting her and spun animatedly.

[name] let out a chuckle, tapping softly at her boyfriend's arm, signaling that she's getting dizzy. Once he put her down, Camilo's already reciting their family's schedule, whether they have a person coming over, or a family member that can't come over, he wants her to meet them all.

"Okay, tomorrow, you're having dinner with my family. I'm going to pick you up at 6:30, alright? Ah! We need to ask your parents first, let's go!"

"Did you eat a whole pack of sugar?"

"I'm just so excited! You're gonna love my mama, she's wonderful!"

Yep, mama's boy


Camilo did not think this through, he sat with his family at the dinner table, thinking of a way to announce his plan. He can tell that his tio can sense his nervousness since he can see him looking over and over at him.

I can't just go, "hey! My girlfriend's coming over tomorrow!" They haven't even seen her before. I can't also say she's a friend, cause I know [nickname] will be offended, I don't want mi Vida to be sad.

"Hey, um... Camilo, you alright?" Bruno finally spoke his thought, glancing at his nephew with a concerned look.

The said boy hum, trying not to look troubled. "What do you mean, tio? There's nothing wrong." He waves it off.

"You barely touch your food, I know something's troubling you since you're always the first one to finish." The madrigals glace at Camilo's plate, seeing that the future teller was correct they all got concerned.

Seriously? The child who always shapeshift as his sister to have seconds even though his first plate is a mountain of food, doesn't have the appetite to eat? Yea, something's bothering him.

"Oh dear, is it the food? Maybe I accidentally mixed an ingredient-"

"No, no, no." He quickly denies, why would she even doubt her own food? She eats them all the time, can't she taste how good it is?? "Tia, the food is great, delicious too."

𝐂𝐀𝐌𝐈𝐋𝐎 𝐌. 𝐈𝐌𝐀𝐆𝐈𝐍𝐄𝐒जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें