I never took my eyes off him. For one I was completely speechless and didn't know what to do. And second I wondered why the heavens wanna see me fail so badly. What are the odds that we would see each other, in a small town nonetheless?

I gulped and licked my dried lips. Tae cuddled with the dog kissing its head and petting it as the dog tried licking his face. It tugged at my heartstrings seeing the scene in front of me.

"How old are you sweetpea?" Aunt Melissa comes over with a sweet heavenly voice taking our attention. He looks down at the short woman with glossed eyes and an adoring grin. Tae must find my aunt adorable for her size.

"I'm 27."

"Well, your around the same age as my niece." She looks at me and his eyes followed. I felt singled out and looked away awkwardly cursing under my breath.

"A-Auntie!" I exclaim hiding my heated cheeks behind the magazine. I'd rather strip down naked than allow this transaction to continue on any further. At least both of them have seen me naked before.

"What I'm tryna help a girl out. God knows how long you've been single hun, it's time for an upgrade." I could laugh if I wasn't so shocked. She speaks about Tae as if he's the latest technology and is trying to get me a good deal on it. He laughs, his triangle smile showing as his deep laugh filled out the room.

"That's exactly what I've been telling my son, he hasn't brought home not one girl and I want grandbabies. There's only so much botox I could do before I turn 50." Ms. Kim pouts seeking Tae out and leaning against his frame.

He timidly looks away trying to avoid the posturing questions at him. For once I could agree with him. While I do love my Aunt, the same thing goes for her as it does with all my friends, I'm not some doll that needs fixing.

"There's no one special enough to bring home to you ma." He replies and she harrumphs clearly not liking his answer.

"At least do a damn test trial." Ms. Kim murmured. "I know you ain't a virgin no more, all the condoms I see scattered across your place. So clearly someone's special enough for you to bring them home."

Taehyung looks at me but I remained neutral as possible. We haven't done anything together in a while. Rather me being mad or jealous I smile shortly because he's a man and he has needs too and clearly while we were "together" I wasn't enough to satifise those so-called needs.

But Tae's pleading with me, his eyes showing sorrow and guilt and I couldn't figure out why. Is he guilty of his actions? Of course not, men don't know what an apology looks like if you waved it in their face.

I gave him sympathy though. Out of being outted in front of all these middle age women, after he leaves he's definitely gonna be the topic of their gossip. Taehyung clapped his hands together and the dog barked in his arms as I stiffled a laugh in my throat.

"Well, I'm gonna take my leave. Have fun ma, I'll see you later." He kissed her temple and Ms. Kim smiled. As he said goodbye to everyone here his eyes lingered on me for longer than a second before he walked out.

My body wanted to follow after him. Wanted to go wherever he was just to be around him and ask him a billion questions all at once. But I stilled myself in my seat and pretended to look through the catalogs as my aunt approached me.

"He's handsome Ellie." Her voiced leaned with her as she hinted something between the lines.

I sighed smiling just barely so she wouldn't notice. "I know he is, I have eyes."

"Why don't you go out and get some fresh air, I don't want you cooped up when you should go out and explore. Take a break from your cellular device." She said as she grabbed my phone and put it in her pocket. I opened my mouth to protest but she held a hand up stopping me. I pouted, not liking where this was going.

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