Chapter 4: Silena

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"But I wasn't alone----" Bianca gritted, but she was cut off by he black-haired man again.

"If you ever do that again, Bianca---" He let the threat hang.

Silena decided that it was more of a poor Bianca than a poor Zoe as she exchanged half-amused half pitiful glances with Marie.

After all that, Chiron announced to the whole camp that the lost campers(A.k.a Silena and the others. Wheee!) had been found. Silena felt incredibly guilty at the fact that all these demigods had not gone through so much looking for them. But then, she really should be feeling sorry for herself for the hydra attack. This wasn't her first time facing a monster. There was that time in New York with the cyclopes. She didn't enjoy that.

Silena was soon chatting with Marie, watching poor Rose get yelled at by Calypso, and feeling relieved that she was alive and safe, and dreaming of a nice cup of hot chocolate as the Fall night was chilly.

Silena had known Rose for a long time, and you could say they were best friends, though they only got to see each other a few times a year. Silena had a lot of other friends from her neighborhood, school,(She was pretty popular) but Rose was the only one she could actually call her best friend.

"And then---" Marie paused. "Silena, where are your parents? Are they here?"

"Oh," Silena felt her smile disappear. "They—--they won't be coming until later. They have to take care of something." Like their divorce, Silena thought bitterly, though of course she didn't say that. But Marie knew anyway, that was what had broken them apart.

"So I agreed to watch Tristan," Her eyes drifted to her 8-year-old brother, who was screaming and acting rash along with Luke Jackson (Zoe's brother) like a typical boy his age. But then, all boys were like that, no matter their age.

Yes, Jason Grace and Piper McClean were divorced. Silena hated it. She wished it wasn't that way. But she'd gotten used to it.

She didn't see why. Her father died, yes. He came back. Her mother decided to try and give their relationship a second chance. Everything had gone well. After a few years of dating, they'd gotten married, and had Silena. Then a few years after Tristan was born, something happened. Maybe an old rift. They'd divorced. When she asked her mother about it, She always said that it was complicated, but she still loved Jason. Then why divorce him? When she asked her father, his blue eyes turned as hard as steel, and he said he and her mother were good friends, and that it was complicated.

Why wouldn't they just tell her? She was old enough, wasn't she? She would understand.

Her mind traveled back in time, when she found out the truth.

"Everything will be ok, Sweetie," Her father had promised. "Your mother and I still love each other very much, and we love you even more. Everything will be the same,"

But everything was not ok, and was most certainly not the same. Silena had cried every night for three days after that, and she still hadn't fully gotten over it.

"Silena?" Marie asked softly.

Silena blinked, her eyes stinging ever so slightly.

"Yeah," She said.

"I'm sorry," Marie whispered, and Silena realized that her face was filled with guilt. WIthout looking at her, Silena could tell that she too was thinking about that day. "I'm really sorry, Silena, I didn't think. It must be really awful,"

"It's fine, really. I've gotten used to it," Truthfully, though, Silena knew it wasn't fine.

Marie paused a second, her golden eyes dripping with empathy, before saying, "My parents aren't here yet either. But they'll be arriving soon,"

The Legacies: The Next Generation - A Percy Jackson FanfcTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang