Chapter 28: Rose

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Before she and Silena were captured, Rose was still having a pretty rotten time. The worst part other than the 'capture' part? Well, it had to be the 'melting into the shadows' part.

Charon had led them to an elevator—-seriously?------and stuffed them inside. Rose found herself crammed between about fifty other spirits, all holding some sort of slip. Charon murmured to himself, absorbed in his checklist. A spirit tried to inch forward, but he kicked it. Poor spirit.

"Right, then." Charon himself started to step inside the elevator, but Cora stopped him. "We'll be fine on our own,"

Rose looked sideways at Cora. "Uhh, Cora?" She asked nervously. "Are you—"

"I'm serious," Cora assured the two of them. She nodded at Charon, who frowned. "But I have to be here. The spirits–"

"I've got them. Now, do you want me to call Bianca?"

Charon paled, and quickly bowed. "Uh, no miss. I'll just be going."

He quickly scrambled away just as the doors slammed shut.

"Do you really know what to do?" Silena asked uneasily.

"Of course I do. I've been here before."

"You—have? When?" Silena inquired.

Cora cleared her throat. "Uh, it's a long story." She didn't say anything after that. Rose exchanged a confused look with Silena. Silena shrugged.

With a loud thud, the elevator started moving. Rose guessed that they were probably going down. See? She was smart. A small chill went down her back as she heard the ghosts starting to chatter excitedly.

Suddenly, Rose started feeling a little dizzy. She realized that they weren't going down anymore, but forward at full speed. Silena looked just as nauseous, but Cora didn't seem to be affected. She just stared straight ahead.

The place got more misty. The spirits started chattering louder as their forms changed. They were now wearing gray-hooded robes instead of modern clothes.

Rose shivered as her claustrophobia started to kick in. She shut her eyes tight. When she opened them again, all she saw was mist. Quite literally. She realized that the floor was swaying. Just brilliant.

"I think I'm gonna throw up," Silena muttered.

"Don't," Rose advised.

"We're almost here," Cora promised. Rose thought she heard a hint of excitement in her voice–no, not excitement. Hunger. But it made sense. After all, her mother was down there. Rose would feel excited if she was super close to saving her mother. Well, after she'd eaten all the candy she wanted and burned Ashten's hair a few times anyways. Ah, the good times. She could almost smell the burning hair.

The smell got stronger and Rose realized that she was not imagining it. Unfortunate.

SHe blinked again and suddenly, they weren't in the elevator anymore. They were on a boat which drifted across a swirling black river littered with broken things. Well, she thought as she clutched her stomach, At least the 'boat' part made sense now.

"Is this the River Styx?" Silena asked in awe.

"Yes. All these things. . . they crushed hopes and dreams," Cora answered.

More mist curled from the water(Yes, there was a lot of mist) . Rose Looked ahead and saw a green light that looked suspiciously like the color of poison. Fear suddenly gripped her as she looked around. She was surrounded by dead people. How long would it be until she joined them, like in the movie Coco? The boy in the movie started turning into a skeleton after being with the dead for so long. She didn't want to die yet. There was still a lot of hair to burn.

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