Chapter 11: Bianca

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"Oh, this is great," Zoe grumbled, her nose buried in the enchanted map they'd gotten from the Hunters of Artemis(Apparently when Bianca was knocked out cold) "I can't find where we are!"

They'd also gotten two magical silver tents,(Air conditioned, sleeps four, includes buffet table, but unfortunately does not supply food) tranquilizer darts, golden drachmas, and more nectar and Ambrosia.(The open word for he tents being 'Acteon')

Their new map showed them exactly where they were, changing as they traveled, and showed the girls in small, black dots. Right now, Zoe had her eyes set on leaving the forest. It seemed that after Cora left, Zoe seemed to be gradually taking charge of the quest. She also seemed to be doing a fine job of it, as everyone automatically listened to her.

Bianca still couldn't believe that Cora had left. Sure, she had to save her mother, but still—---it did not help that her wounds continued to become more and more painful. She'd had as much ambroshia cubes and nectar as a legacy could possibly have without burning up, but only seemed to help a little with the pain. Of course, Bianca was not bitten(very thankfully, as it would have turned her into a werewolf herself) but the claws of a werewolf were very painful as Bianca had found out the hard way.

"It's 10:00 in the morning, I'm starving," Rose complained, hugging her stomach. "We've been walking for hours, can't we have something to eat?"

"Well, be grateful that you aren't dying of werewolf scars," Bianca snapped, as she had become very irritable after her injury.

Silena groaned. "Rose, can't you just fix up more tacos or something?"

"Can't," Rose muttered. "Out of salsa. And taco shells. But I do have a few chicken nuggets—-"

"Beh," Laura made a face. "Sorry, I'm vegetarian," She too, was rather pissed off. Bianca thought the reason for this was probably because she slept through the whole wolf battle.

"Same," Silena sighed, bending down, her hands on her knees.

"If you guys wait a bit, we can eat something," Zoe snapped, looking up from the map. "We have food in our backpacks,"

"Why didn't you say so?" Rose cried, pulling off her own backpack.

"She did say so, Rose, about an hour ago," Marie said, leaning warily on a tree.

"Aha!" Zoe said triumphantly. "I know where to go! Follow me, it's this way!" And she sped off, looking excited.

Rose sadly put a pack of doritos backpack and followed the others. Bianca groaned in pain as she tried to catch up with them. Her shoulder and chest burned so badly, it felt as if she were on fire as Rose so frequently was.

"Can't you just heal it? Like you did for Zoe's ankle?" Marie asked worriedly as she finally caught up with them and sat down hard on a tree stump, groaning.

"I tried," Bianca grumbled. "Not working," She doubled over.

"Here we are! Oh, great," Zoe glared angrily at a large pile of brown, sticky mud in front of them that separated them from the end of the forest. The mud was big enough to pass for a small pond from a distance.

Silena made a face. "Ugh,"

"What? It's just mud," Rose said with a shrug.

"No, it's just that these boots are kinda new—---"

"Woah, there, Fire Girl," Zoe grabbed Rose's upper arm as the younger girl marched toward the mud. "We don't know how deep that is, and it could be quicksand—--"

"It doesn't look like sand. Pretty muddy looking to me," Rose said, freeing herself from Zoe's grip.

Zoe glared at her before sticking her nose back in the map. "Hmmm, maybe there's another way—---"
"Nah, It's fine," Rose was already wading through the mud. It came up to her waist. Zoe looked livid.

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