Chapter 10: Bianca

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Bianca's eyes snapped open as the piercing scream filled her ears. Rose and Marie were in trouble.

"Rose!" Silena cried out, also scrambling to her feet and tripping over Zoe's legs.



Cora unzipped the tent flap so fast she cut her finger. "What happened!?" She yelled, and charged outside.

Bianca followed immediately, Silena and Zoe close behind her.

"Wolves! Wolves!" Marie shrieked. She was supporting Rose, who looked semi-conscious.

Sure enough, the two of them were surrounded by gray, blood-thirsty wolves.

"Great," Bianca muttered, pulling out her stygian iron sword, knowing that it would be of zero use.

'Silver!" Zoe cried, her voice shrill. "We need silver!"

"Lucky for us, I never go anywhere without a silver weapon," Cora said, pulling out a rather small knife.

"That isn't enough!" Bianca hissed. "We're outnumbered by about thirty, we'll never get through with a pocket knife!"

 Marie was now holding off four wolves with her arrows. Rose was slowly coming around. Marie quickly slipped away, half-dragging Rose.

Zoe and Silena rushed forward to help them, but Bianca stayed where she was. She knew what she had to do. But somehow, she was distracted by her old friends. No, she couldn't call them her friends. They were just her companions, her comrades. But those six years Bianca had been close to them were, undoubtedly, her happiest. Still, she'd always felt left out and alone. Silena and Rose had always been close, like Zoe and Marie. This left Bianca without a true 'best friend'. And of course, there was her whole parentage, which caused all the kids at school to bully her, to laugh at her, to call her a weirdo, none of them except these four knowing the truth—---

Bianca gritted her teeth. She didn't need friends. She was fine alone. She stepped forward and spread out her hands. Five skeletons clawed their way out of the grassy ground, gleaming in the moonlight. Bianca mentally ordered them to do her bidding. They obeyed, slowly making their way to the wolves and attacked the creatures, tanging them in bones.

Bianca's knees buckled, and she collapsed, suddenly exhausted. Her father, Will, had warned her not to summon skeletons or do anything 'underworldly.' But she'd always disobeyed him, both of them, why should she change now?

She forced herself to her feet, her chest heaving. She had to stay conscious. She couldn't afford to have another incident like the minotaur. She gripped her sword tighter because it felt familiar to do so, and walked slowly toward the wolves, hidden in the shadows.

Suddenly Silena was right next to her.

"There are too many of them!" She gasped, her hands grasping the hilt of her knife.

"We can do it," Marie was on Bianca's other side.

"A plan," Zoe muttered, and Bianca realized that she was next to Silena. "We need a plan. Cora has a silver knife, we can try to—wait—--" She hurried off to the tent.

"Well, that's a great plan," Bianca scowled. She shifted uncomfortably. She preferred to be alone.

Silena suddenly grabbed her wrist. "Oh my gods," Her blue eyes were fixed on something in the distance.

"What?" Bianca hissed, jerking her wrist away from Silena's grip. Bianca hated physical contact.

Zoe chose that moment to come running back, her hands full of silver coins. "They're all my savings," She told them, slightly out of breath. "But they'll do—-oh, shoot, I need tape—--"

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