13 - Christmas Special

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"Well..." Elaine placed her hands on his shoulders, "I like it," Killian placed his hand and hook on her waist, "I like it a lot," Elaine said with a smile.

"Just for you," Killian said and they kissed.

"Mom, Killian, pop tarts then we open presents?" Julia asked from the archway.

Elaine looked at her and smiled, "Sure," Elaine said and they walked into the kitchen.

"Mom, Jul, are you performing at the Christmas party?" Henry asked.

"Yep," Julia said.

"Sadly, yes... Auntie Emma already promise dad and Faye I'd sing," Elaine said.

"Oh, and what are you singing love?" Killian asked.

"A song I wrote years ago," Elaine said.

"It's really good," Julia said as she plated some pop tarts and Henry made them cocoa.

"They make a good team, don't they?" Killian asked.

"They do," Elaine said with a smile.

At a farmhouse, Faye turned on the Christmas lights on the tree and she stepped back and smiled, "Perfect," She heard a baby cry, "Oh, no," Faye walked over to a cot and picked up the baby, "Hey there, it's okay, it's okay. I'm here," Faye said.

"Did he wake up?" Faye looked over her shoulder to see David walking in, "Must be hungry," David said.

"You're back early, thought you'd be another hour," Faye said as she calmed the baby down.

"Well, the dwarves have taken over, they like work and said for me to be with my family," David said.

"They've gotten used to us at last then?" Faye asked.

"At last, yes," David said.

Faye walked into the kitchen, "Breakfast is ready by the way, was going to leave yours in the oven to keep yours warm," Faye said and see Elsie and Kerr cooking.

"I was thinking of checking on Elaine," David said as he followed her.

"Why?" Faye placed the baby into a carrier and sat at the table as she looked at him, "Is it because of a certain husband who has a thing about moving his eyebrows a lot?" Faye asked as she wiggled her eyebrows.

"Why?" Faye placed the baby into a carrier and sat at the table as she looked at him, "Is it because of a certain husband who has a thing about moving his eyebrows a lot?" Faye asked as she wiggled her eyebrows

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"You could just say his name you know," Elsie said.

Yes, I could but I like to annoy him... He's the brother I never have," Faye looked at David who was about to leave, "David," He stopped, "You trusted him in the battle, you can trust they're forever... Elaine's curse is broken, she's going to be absolutely okay, Katy would tell you otherwise," Faye said, David turned to her as she feed the baby and he smiled briefly.

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