Control | Part 4

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"I will!" Natasha laughed and she ran away, and you chased her back.

Meanwhile, at the sanctum, Tony was getting ready, Strange puts a spell over him, reciting the words as it slowly transfers through his body, feeling neutral.

"You'll now be bound to the spell, which will help you restrain your inner demons from unleashing, when you step out from the reality." Strange said, continuing while the spell places itself on Tony.

"The reason why I'm doing this is because you said so, and you will not mess up anything while I, think you will." Strange rolled his eyes.

"Stephen, please." Tony sighed, shook his head.

"I'm not wrong. You're just not understanding me that how much big of a danger it is once you meet with the reality out there."

"You're saying as if here is also no reality, the reason why I'm feeling all okay right now with no issues?" He raised an eyebrow.

"Tony. This sanctum also works on a spell which doesn't let you have access to the reality. You and your powers are actually under my control." Strange replied.

"Okay, so now.. you're gonna put on the same spell which will protect me and others."

"Yup, and whatever I'm doing is my best to make sure your abilities don't harm others." Strange finishes the spell, and Tony feels his body absorb those letters inside him. He once tries to use his magic, seeing they were no longer red anymore. Smiling in relief, Tony thanked Strange for his effort.

"Thank you, Strange. At least, for giving me a chance. I'll come back in a few days, and don't worry. The spell you gave me, I'm preserve it, and not let it go. There's no way El Hombre can dare mess with me."

Strange stays a bit quiet, and letting out a sigh to break the silence. "Take care of yourself. Though, I'm evident of the fact this isn't going where it's supposed to." Strange replied with worry in his voice. "The Crimson Sorcerer needs to be intact."

Tony nods. "Yeah. It has to, right now. And I will, no matter what."

"Good luck, Tony." Stephen wishes Tony for the best, as the sorcerer prepares to let the billionaire genius step out of the sanctum. Strange keeps his hand over the handle, not sure to open it, fearing the consequences.

"Strange, just do it."

Without hesitation, Stephen opens the door, as Tony starts stepping out of the sanctum, the fear slowly building up in Strange's mind. As he keeps his feet on the ground, Strange looks that nothing happened. Tony steps more forward, descending the little staircase. He turns around, waving him. Strange looks at him leave, normally as he brings onto his Iron suit, and prepares to step in it, but before Tony can leave, Strange tells him a one final statement.

"Don't let it control you, Stark. Remember, this spell can bound your evil, but knowing how dangerous it is, you need to keep careful of what triggers you." Strange explains. "Because your weakness.. is nothing but, your emotions."

Tony listens to Strange's instruction, nodding to keep it in, and steps in the Iron suit, fleeing off in the air.

Strange sighs in fear, but hopes for the best. "I wish you luck, Stark."

- Time Skip -

"He's here!" Clint's voice was heard through the room, as everyone ran towards the huge balcony to see Tony landing with his Iron suit, as it slowly disassembles to reveal the man in the metal itself. Everyone was so excited and happy to see Tony back, especially you, who ran to the crowd and saw him approaching in the tower. As he steps in the room, all you can do is to hug him tightly. This could have been your greatest day, knowing the love of your life was back with you again.

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