Chapter 20

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Am I about to skip a week after the events of last chapter because I didn't have any ideas? Yes, yes I am.

Luz P.O.V

Edric and Emira dropped Amity off at my place since she still isn't allowed to fly her staff after the incident. Amity really isn't happy about not being allowed to drive or fly her staff but she has to rest from recent, events.

Since she's weakened on magic and 'grounded' from doing band stuff while she heals up I figured I'd show her a few fun things to do the don't require any work. Well, it doesn't require any physical work. I had to pick carefully on something to do because of her constant needing something to do.

Before Amity got here I made a list and then narrowed it down, guitar she would have to bring hers and that wouldn't be much of a surprise. Tv is a no go because she'd just get bored and wanting to do something, same with movies.

After a lot of back and forth with myself I finally decided on gaming, unfortunately I had to tell her to bring her laptop hoping she wouldn't suspect anything. "Okay, I wanted to do a fun thing with you today that you need your laptop for."

"I can't do much of anything anyway, so as long as it doesn't require magic or moving around to much I might be able to do it." I nod and grab my laptop from my room and sit next to her with it up and running with a game pulled up already.

(if you get the reference, I respect you)"Malorant?" I nod my head, "yeah, it's a fun game I play sometimes. I'm not very good but you might be" I give her a smile and she opens her laptop and types it in and downloads it.

"You need to show me how to play." I nod "don't worry I will, first you gotta make an account." I show her all the steps of doing making one and soon I get her to play the tutorial. "Oh, this is easy" I hold back a laugh before explaining it to her.

"Amity, this is an online game so, it's not going to be as easy as this." She gives me a look ending the tutorial and is on the home screen of it. "So, just hover over your name here and I'll add you." I get another look this time but she dose so and I friend her.

"You ready to play a match?" Amity nods and I start the queue and we wait for a minute before starting and Amity selects Sage as her character and me using Jett. "Just a heads up, you picked the healer for the team."

We play a few rounds before Amity starts dying. Over and over again. "You've got to be fucking kidding me?! I hit them in the head!" Me already being dead with my luck am just sitting back watching.

"Am's they have the golden gun, that's a one shot no matter where your hit." She just huffs and after that round we leave the game so Amity doesn't flip to much. I flip on the TV and just put music on for background noise.

"Te amo princesa" I catch myself when she turns to me giving me a look, "what did you just say?" "N-nothing" Amity quirks a brow at me "I heard you say something, your not getting out of this one so easily."

I gulp and she gives me a look "you said something, sounded like Spanish?" She asks raising a brow at me "you could say that..." I trail off hoping she doesn't understand what I said to save myself from embarrassment.

Amity stares at me a little longer giving me a look. If looks could trap you I'd be locked in place under her stare. Amity sighs and backs off looking back at her laptop seeming to be in thought on something.

Amity grins and she seems to get an idea "We play five rounds in unrated, if I get MVP in any of those games you have to tell me what you said." I nod and agree to her challenge "extra points if you get an ace." Amity nods before we start.

(Sorry it was short but I don't know what else to add to this chapter but there's a lot of people asking for this and it's been a year so I kinda just have to drop it lol)

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