Practice or a learning?

948 36 32

Luz P.O.V

We are about to start playing but I think of something before we do "hey, Amity" she looks up at me with a questioning look "do you mind if we save practice for later?" "I thought you wanted to practice?"

"I did, but we haven't really gotten to know each other yet and I'd like to learn a little more about you" Amity sits there debating for a minute before she sets her guitar down and Ghost comes running over and sits in between us.

"Well what would you like to know?" "Well, first I gotta know what you meant by the staff thing earlier" Amity nods and Ghost goes stiff as a board and soon there is a long staff out from behind her. "That is so cool!"

The staff disappears and Ghost is back to normal in no time and she hops up to me this time slightly glaring at Amity, "Where'd you find her?" Amity scoffs "find her? I made her" I light up after she says this "how did you make her?"

"Palister wood, it's very rare now on the Isles since it's over harvested." "The Isles?" "Boiling Isles, or the demon realm. It's where me and the others are from" "do you mind telling me more?" Amity thinks for a minute before she speaks up.

"Sure, what would you like to know?" "Anything your fine with telling me" I give her a soft smile and she smiles back "well, all that lives there are witches and demons, we have a sport that's called Gurdgby that Boscha happens to be captain of at Hexside."

"Are there other pet's like Ghost?" Amity gives me a look and Ghost even gets up and hops up to the back of the couch "what did I say something wrong?" "Ghost isn't really a pet she's a palismen. A life long companion carved from the Palister wood."

"Sorry, I didn't know" "it's fine" I think for a second "could you tell me more about you?" "Yeah sure. For starters as you know I'm 16 Emira is 18 and my brother Edric is also 18. Edric and Emira are twins." "I didn't know you had a brother?!"

"Well, now you know. We lived with our mother and father on the Isles until our friends Eda and Raine let us use the portal to come here." I nod and my attention is brought to her hair "when did you dye your hair?"

"Oh that was a while ago it was originally seafoam because my uh my um. N-never mind I don't want to talk about it." Amity looks down avoiding eye contact and Ghost hops down to her "I'm sorry, I should have brought it up."

"Again, it's fine just try not to bring it up to much?" I nod and start tapping my legs trying to think of something to change the topic when Emira walks in "Hey, Mittens, have you seen Ed I called him but he didn't answer-"

We both look up at her and she is silent for a second but only a second "Am I interrupting something Mittens~" "Get out." "Nope I live here to, I'm not leaving" Amity groans and stands up "Luz, just come with me."

I get up off the couch and follow her with Ghost right under my feet following as well. Amity soon brings me to a door and it turns out to be her room and she welcomes me in and I go and sit right on the floor.

"You know you can sit at my desk right?" I look over at her desk then back towards her "well I do now but I'm fine here" Amity just rolls her eyes with a sigh and walks over to me and sits next to me. "Amity, I think Ghost has drawn a liking to me."

Amity looks down at Ghost to see her laying up against me "hm I see how it is. I give you life and you choose her over me" Ghost then hops up on my lap and Amity pretends to be offended by putting her and on her chest and gasping.

"Could you show me some magic? Only if you want to of course." Amity looks like she she's deep in thought then gets up and closes her curtains. "I'll show you but you can't disturb me while I'm doing it okay?"

I nod and she draws a circle in the air with her finger and a magenta hue following and ending in a full circle with a little a human like thing "that is so cool! What is it?" "An abomination, I specialize in this magic."

"Can you do any other magic?" Amity sighs and summons a flame and a light that's tinted magenta just like the circle. "That is so cool Amity!" I stand up to get a closer look at her spells "Luz, careful, the fire won't burn me but it can burn you."

I take a step back from it and she seems to relax a bit "here, this one you can hold" she pushes the light towards me. I look at it hovering there in awe that magic is real "just put your hands out and it'll hover in your hands."

I do as she says and yeah it hovers in my hands and I'm able to pull it to me and it follows "Amity, this is so so cool!" I'm holding the light watching it hovering and I get overly curious and touch the light and it shifts ever so slightly.

"Here, check this out" she draws another circle makes the abomination larger "now watch" she picks up a book and hands it to the abomination and it holds it while she picks up another one and it copies what she dose as well.

"Amity you are so cool!" she looks at me and smiles. She dismisses the spells and opens her curtains again, "so, enough about me. Mind telling me a little about you?" she sits down on her bed and pats the spot next to her.

I stand there staring at her and she just laughs a little "I don't bite you know? I mean Ghost might but I don't" I look over at Ghost laying down on the bed on the other side of her and she looks over at me from under her tail and I sit next to Amity.

"Well, could you tell me about yourself?" I think for a second tapping my legs "I uh I don't know anything" Amity looks at me tilting her head slightly "you don't know anything?" I feel myself flush red and I bury my face in my hands and groan.

"Sorry Amity, I sorry my brain doesn't know how to work when I'm around attractive people or hell around you because all my brain gets stuck on is how amazing you play and how beautiful you and your voice is!"

I stare at her and her face flushes red and I think mine goes redder "y-you?" "Oh my god! I just said that out loud! Amity I-I I'm so sorry I can't believe I said that out loud! You weren't supposed to hear that!" I awkwardly laugh "oh for the love of god at least I didn't say that I'm absolutely in love with you!" All I can do is shoot my hands up to cover my mouth and stare at her.

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