A Sickening Find

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Luz P.O.V

The second the words are said the lump in my throat breaks and tears fall, I fall to the ground with my back to the others trying to hide the mess I am but it fails because soon I feel someone's hand on my back.

I turn my head slightly and notice it's Willow, "hey... we're going to find her. We just have to get in touch with Eda." Willow speaks softly and slowly seeming to try and ease my pain that is clawing it's way up faster and harder with the comfort.

Gus walks over next lifting me to my feet and sits me on the couch when I feel a pain shock through my chest so painful I topple over on myself. I lay over myself when I notice someone's in front of me so I shift my head up and it's Viney.

"Are you alright?" I can just shake my head no and suddenly Viney is all business, she draws a circle in the air, just like Amity's, just blue. My mind drifts to Amity but the pain comes back but in my arm this time.

I snap my hand up to cover it and that's when Viney seems to understand it "Luz what dose the pain feel like, on a scale 1-10?" I just groan and roll my eyes "like a knife was dug into it, deep." Viney dose a couple of things then speaks again.

"Luz, you have a bond with Amity. Since your human and not a witch you don't really have a telepathic bond that I know of, but you can have the emotional bond which could be why your feeling pain." I give her a questioning look and Viney explains it more.

"It hurts every time you think of Amity right?" I nod the pain in my arm not budging "that would be your bond, I can give you something that might be able to block out the pain just it will take a while." I just shake my head.

"That doesn't quite explain the pain" Viney sighs "the pain our feeling, is what's happening to her. Right now." I go speechless and mouth drying and fear now fighting it's way up "so your saying.." Viney nods "yeah Amity is being injured right now."

Fear flares with anger on the tips and suddenly I'm sitting up and looking at Edric. "Call Eda." I say this flatly watching him with pain behind the anger and fear, fighting for the top. Edric nods and he pulls his phone out and starts calling.

~~10 minutes later~~

After ten minutes feeling like ten hours Edric and Emira lead me to the back of the building and there stands an odd looking door. "So, the door is for what?" My voice comes out snappyer then I'd hoped.

Edric and Emira look at me with sympathetic looks and shake their heads. "No, this is the door to the Boiling Isles. You have to promise you'll stay with us and listen to us, otherwise you could be killed."

I nod my head and sadness bubbles up when my mind snaps to Amity for a minute before I focus again when Edric and Emira open the door leading me through into a house.

I look around and there's patterns on the ceiling that looks like an owl, candles spread around the place, and a wanted poster on the wall. "Where are we?" I look around some more admiring the place.

"This is Eda the owl lady's home, she's the one that brought us to the human realm in the first place." I nod when a little animal with a skull head comes running out carrying a stuffed animal.

"Who dares enter the presence of the King of Demons!" I look down at the little guy and some of my sadness goes away for a second, only a second though because my mind remembers why we're here.

I go to say something when and older lady comes out along side another person. "Eda, Raine, we need your help. Our mother somehow came to the human realm and kidnapped Amity."

"Odalia.." The older woman hisses the name under her breath and talks with the twins on the side when the other person walks over to me "hello, I'm Raine and you  are?"

I look up at them and respond with a saddened tone "Luz.." they nod hearing my tone and responds but more soothing this time "close with Amity?" I can only nod hearing her name hurts my heart.

They sit on the couch and pat the spot next to them for me to sit. I'm reluctant at first be I soon move to sit next to them and they sit waiting to see if I want to talk. I sigh and finally decide I want to talk to them.

"Well, me and Amity recently got together and apparently, according to Viney, have an emotional bond with her. So now when she feels pain apparently I feel it as well." Raine nods seeming to understand.

"I understand what you mean, Edalyn means the world to me. If something happened to her I'd move the sun and moon for her." I grin a little at their statement.

After my small talk with Raine The twins comforted back out with Eda. "Luz, we are going to get going. Need to do anything before we leave?" I shake my head and jump up ready to go.

~~half an hour later~~

It takes about thirty minutes to get to their house, well mannor, and they lead me around the back and through a door the two of them looking ahead before letting me come in.

"Father isn't home but our mother definitely is, stay quite and stay near us." To keep my mouth shut since I know how loud I get under pressure I nod and they bring me to the stairs where we go to the second third floor first.

We search around when we find Amity's room and when we enter I get sick. The walls are stripped bare of anything that was there, furniture is charred and smashed and her bed no longer has anything on it.

I head in and look around and stop dead in my tracks when I get to Amity's bed. I look and the mattress and feel sicker then when I first entered. In the middle of the mattress is a crimson red stain right where someone would lay.

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