A storm's tragedy

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Luz P.O.V

I give Amity an awkward smile and just blank out until she says something "so, you going to come sit back down or?" I just nod looking at her and make my way over next to her and sit back down tapping my legs trying to figure out what to say next.

"So," I say this not quite looking at her yet and I can feel her looking at me now. "Could we not tell the others yet?" I can feel her move closer to me and then she wraps her arm around me "of course, just, my place may not be the best place to hang out because of Emira and Edric."

"They'll tease and bother us, won't they?" "Yes without question they will" all I can do is laugh a little at that and I can't help but look over at her now. Amity looks back at me and we just sit there looking at each other until I get to embarrassed and turn away with a red face.

Now it's Amity's turn to laugh and she just leans up against me so I look back down at her and hold onto her hand, then she looks back up at me with a soft smile. I smile back and she seems to get an idea and sits back up.

She sits for a second before tugging on my hoodie, I look at her and she just holds my hoodie waiting for me to give it to her. I sigh and give in and take off my hoodie leaving me in my white tank top and hand my hoodie to her.

Amity grins and puts my hoodie on, "so, what made you want that?" I point to my hoodie and she just leans up to me again "well, it's a necessity of dating someone. We start dating, I steal your hoodie fair trade."

Amity sticks her tongue out at me playing with the hood when Emira comes out of her room. "Hey, Mittens what are we doing for dinner..." Emira trails off what she's saying looking at Amity now wearing my hoodie.

"So, what's going on here you two?" Emira says this playfully crossing her arms "Well, ignoring that. I was thinking waiting for Edric to get back and going out." Amity says this calmly watching her sister.

Emira hums "Want to bring your girlfriend with?" I freeze but Amity just flicks Emira off with a flame on the tip of her finger. Emira laughs and leaves the room once her phone rings which gives me an idea. I take my phone out and Amity watches me for a second when her phone pings with the message I sent her.

She gives me a questioning look before she takes her phone out and looks at it. I doesn't take long for her to slam her phone down on the couch and give me a look and I can't help but laugh "that is somehow worse than 'mittens'!"

"What? How's it worse my little nightlight?" I playfully question her and she seems to get even redder and covers her face "I'm not wrong, when you hold a flame at the tip of your finger it's like a nightlight" I just stare at her some more before she speaks up again.

"I know your staring at me" I can just hear her even with her hands over her face and I just laugh again. I go to sit next to her when I get a message from my mom telling me to go home because of a storm rolling in.

"Ami, I've gotta go but I'll text you later" Amity looks up at me tilting her head slightly "why so sudden?" She questions me seeming slightly upset "my mom messaged me to get home because of a heavy storm rolling in."

"Is she home?" I shake my head "no she's still at the office but I'll be fine" Amity thinks over it for a minute before nodding and walking me out "text me that your home safe Luz" I nod "I promise" she seems to settle with that because she waves me off then heads inside.

I pull into my driveway and hurry inside before it rains. Lucky me manages to get inside right before it starts to poor, and of course once I'm inside I take out my phone and text Amity that I got home safe. She responds back in about a minute with a thumbs up and that's she's glad I got home safe.

I go to sit on the couch and watch some TV when she sends another text 'Check in your back seat of your car when you can.' I look at the text slightly confused so I grab and umbrella and head out to my car.

I open the back door and I find the guitar I use laying across the floor along with the amp. I stare for a second before I head inside and grab a blanket to cover it and bring it inside then go back out for the amp.

Once I get it inside I text Amity wondering how it got there, all she responds with is 'it's a secret'. I set my phone down and set everything up when I get another text from Amity with the chords and lyrics to the song were working on.

~~An hour later~~

I play for about and hour when I'm forced to stop from a power outage, I unplug the amp and lay the guitar down and scroll through my phone when a message from Amity comes up. I pull it up and all it says is 'What's your address.'

I am confused by it at first from the way she sent it so out of the blue, the confusion doesn't last long and I send it to her. I wait for a response for about ten minutes when I hear a loud knock on the front door.

I head over to the door and look through the peephole and it's Amity? I open the door quickly and she looks up at me with her arms crossed. "Are you-" I don't even get the sentence out when her eyes get glassy and she holds onto me.

"Whoa, hey, you alright?" I can feel her shake her head so I let her in and grab her staff and shut the door. She sits down on the couch and I sit next to her "what happened?" She doesn't say anything and just pulls her phone out and hands it to me with the voice mail up.

"Do you want me to listen to it?" she nods so I hit play and a woman's voice comes up "Get your ass home right now young lady! You are in so much trouble, you better hope that your punishment for doing this is light!" After that the woman on the other end hung up.

I look over at Amity and she has her legs tucked up to her chest with her face down. "Who was that?" She turns her head to me slightly with the saddest most fear driven look on her face, "that was my mother...".

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