A tragedies start

808 28 25

Luz P.O.V

My mom stares between me and Amity, looking like she's trying to figure out who this is. It doesn't seem to take long when it seems to click on who it is "mi hija, is that the girl from your poster?" I can feel my face flush and I don't even think about what Amity could be thinking now.

I just let out a sigh before saying something "mami, this is Amity. Amity, my mami" Amity gives a smile and a small wave before my mom speaks again "Luz, how is the power on? The whole town lost power."

I sit with a blank face when Amity saves it "oh the power never went out, guess your house was just lucky" my mom nods then brings up another question "where did you get the guitar Luz?"

"Amity brought it over" my mom hums at that "I never knew you wanted to learn" this time Amity responds "I kinda offered it to her when we ran into each other at school."

Amity smiles softly and my mom gives her a grin "well it's nice to meet you after hearing all about you and your band from Luz" all I can do is groan and cover my face with my hands and I hear Amity laugh a little.

"Well I gotta get going my siblings are starting to worry why I ran off so fast" I nod and grab her staff "here I'll walk ya out" Amity smiles at me and takes her staff from me as I walk her out.

"Well, it was nice hanging out with you" I sigh and nod "yeah text me when your home and give me a warning next time you come." Amity laughs and side saddles her staff.

"Yeah I will next time, sorry about that again" she throws one leg over the side of her staff. "Get home safely Am's and text me when you do" "I will, I will don't you worry."

She takes off and I wave to her and head inside taking the guitar to my room working on cords and finger placement hoping to get it right. After about ten minutes I get a text from Amity that she's home safe and we go back and forth for the rest of the night.

~~the next day~~

I wake up the next morning with my phone next to me and no 'good morning' text from Amity. I shrug it off as she was to busy making contact with bands and forgot, so I send one instead telling her a good morning and even leave a heart next to it.

I go through my morning routine when the band chat goes off. I check my phone after throwing my T-shirt on and surprisingly it's a text from Boscha. "Hey everyone I'm not feeling well so I won't be coming to practice later."

I nod to the text and finish up in my room reminding myself to get a 'get well soon card' for her. I head into the kitchen seeing the note from my mom that she'll be working late before I make breakfast and head out.

~~later that afternoon~~

Before I head to the studio I stop by the store first to get something nice for Boscha, including a card, flowers and a balloon. I sign the card then message Boscha directly asking for her address, waiting in the parking lot until she responds.

It takes about five minutes but she sends me her address and I put it into the GPS and start my drive there. It's only about ten minutes from me but it takes but it takes me fifteen minutes because I made a wrong turn.

Once I arrive I ring the bell and the door opens to a very messy hair, blanket wrapped around, tea in hand, sickly Boscha. "Hey... Luz" she greets me between coughs.

"Here, I brought you some things since your sick." I give her a smile while handing them to her. Boscha sets her team down grabbing the flowers, balloon and card, "thanks Luz, also have you heard from Amity today-"

She gets cut off from coughing then finishes "-she hasn't texted any of us." Boscha says this and it feels like my heart drops but I ignore it for now. "No, I sent her a message this morning and no response."

Boscha gives a worried look "did you look at the chat?" I shake my head and pull out my phone and there's a text from Emira saying to meet at the studio ASAP. "Hey uh I gotta go but get well soon Boscha!"

I bolt to the car getting a wave from Boscha and pushing my limits with how fast I'm going hoping not to get pulled over. I pull up to the studio and slam my car door shut and rush in.

I run in and find everyone there including Edric. Once I'm in I feel the tension weighing so heavy it feels like I can't breathe. I can see Edric pacing and Emira curled up next to Viney, shaking.

"What happened?! Where's Amity!?" I stand by the door a lump in my throat. Edric is the first to speak up "Luz, did Amity tell you about our mother at all yesterday when she went over?"

I nod feeling like I know what's coming from this going by the message that was left on Amity's phone. "She sorta did" Edric nods "well she's a complete and total control freak and when she found out Amity left, she was super pissed."

I nod following along my mind racing on what happened somewhat guessing on what happened. "Well our mother is always so strict with Amity and wouldn't let her do much of anything, like making her due her hair green."

I nod along feeling the lump getting tighter and my eyes starting to water "Luz we checked her room this morning to wake her up and" he stops to swallow "Luz our mother took Amity back to the Isles last night."

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