A fun Saturday (part 3)

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Luz P.O.V

"So uh is it supposed to stop at the very top or?" "Yes, no need to worry just look at me" well no need to tell me twice. I pull her into a hug with the dog on my lap, "so this may be a bad time but what are you doing tomorrow?"

I look down at my lap thinking for a second before I respond "well I'm not doing anything, why?" Amity hums "well I wanted to know because I wanted to work more on guitar with you" "sure that sounds like a good idea, what time should I be at the studio?"

"Oh, it can't be at the studio because the others are going to be there doing work for once and it wouldn't be the right spot for you to focus" I look at her quirking a brow "so where would we practice then?"

"I was thinking that you could come by my place since it'll be nice and quiet there?" I'm about to respond when the ferris wheel starts moving again and I just grab onto Amity tighter "Luz don't worry your going to be okay."

I can feel her giving me a soft smile yet I do look up at her and just keep my eyes squeezed shut until we get on solid ground again "you won't tell the others about my fear right?" I look at Amity with pleading eyes and she shakes her head "I promise I won't tell a soul."

I can feel myself lighten up a little when I remember what she told me "and working at your place is fine by me" Amity just grins at me "I'm glad it'll work for you, I'll text you my address later and I need to grab my guitar from the studio so if you don't mind driving me there later."

I nod and she bumps my shoulder "what was that for?" Amity just side eyes me smirking and making her way to an archery game. "Oh I see, your challenging me aren't you?" I ask her this playfully while smirking back at her.

"Maybe, maybe not but if I am. I want to see whatcha got" Amity grins a me and we head over to archery. "How much?" "15 per person and you get three arrows" we both pay and the guy gives us 3 arrows and a bow each.

"Alright, first person to get a bullseye wins" I look over at her and she's already positioning herself with the target. I wait for her to fire her arrow and she get's pretty close to the center, Amity then looks over at me waiting for me to fire my arrow.

I set the arrow in place and pull it back and line it up where it needs to be, little dose Amity know is I've been a pro at archery since I was younger. I fire the arrow and hit a direct bullseye I look over at her and all she can do is stare in shock.

"How did you do that?" Amity looks over at me eyes wide "well, I've always been perfect at archery so theres that" Amity rolls her eyes still looking at me "that was just luck, do it again" "alright if you say so" the guy working the booth removes both arrows and I get another arrow ready.

I have it set in place and pull back on it and fire, and what do ya know it's another bullseye. Amity sees this and fires another arrow and again it's close but not quite a bullseye. "There is no way you can get a third one in a row."

The guy removes the arrows again and I line it up for the third time and fire it and it lands in the direct center, "your going to have to show me how to do that" "okay, set the arrow in place and I can show you from there."

Amity dose as told and I come up behind her and help her line the bow up "now fire it" Amity nods and fires the arrow and it lands right on the rim of the bullseye. "Nice shot Amity!" she set the bow down and smiles. We finish up there go around to a few more games and rides then meet up with the group and leave at 5.

We drive back to the studio and wave to the others but me and Amity stay behind a little longer so she can grab a couple of things. "Hey, can you bring the guitar you use to my car for me?" "On it" I pick up the guitar and bring it out to her car and set it in the back seat.

I head back in and Amity has hers strapped on her back holding both amps, "here let me take one" I take one from her and bring that out while she locks up. "Thanks Luz, you can just set that on the floor" I set it down and she puts hers in the car as well. We wave each other off and head out separate ways.

~~The Next Day~~

I get lunch on the way to Amity's and texted her that I'll be there about 1:30 and she texted back that'll be enough time for her to get ready and set up. I go quickly head to a drive through since I left late and it's a 20 minute drive to her place.

Lucky me managed to get to a drive though that wasn't packed get what I need and make my way to Amity's. I get stuck behind a few slow drivers and stuck at almost every red light, sometimes twice. It takes about 25 minutes for me to get there with five minutes to spare.

I pull up and head up to the front door and knock. It takes a minute or two but the door finally opens "sorry Luz I just got out of the shower and I had to rush to put something on so I just grabbed the blanket and-" "it's fine just got throw something on and I'll wait in the living room."

Amity nods and let's me in and she heads to her room for a minute. I'm about to pull out my phone when I see a white cat walk by and sit in front of me, I look down at it and it's got blue-purple eyes and it's fur is 100% white.

"Hey there little one" I reach my hand down and it sniffs my hand and hops up on the couch next to me. Amity walks out of her room and the cat is now sitting on me for me to pet her, "Ghost, give Luz some space."

The cat whose name is Ghost let out a couple of little meows and hops up to the back of the couch and then to my head. I can't help but laugh and her behavior but Amity isn't happy with it "Ghost, down. Unless you want to go on the staff."

Ghost hops down and Amity brings the guitars over "sorry about that she doesn't know how to give people space." I just laugh a little "nah it's fine, I don't mind at all she's a sweet cat" Amity rolls her eyes "yeah when she want's to be. Anyway want to do a little bit of practice now?" I agree and we get right to work with Ghost watching from a chair.

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