Life and Death

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So this one really won't have any gore at all just a couple of mentions of weapons the next one might have some mentions of blood but that might be it. This will be the last dark chapter for now though.

Luz P.O.V

My eyes snap to Amity's chest looking for the rising motion to see if she's alive but still nothing. "Luz, we have to figure a way out of here" I glare at the twins "I'm not leaving Amity" I say this flatly looking them dead in the eyes.

The two of them sigh before responding, "Luz, she's gone. Your grieving and that grief won't let you move on, so I'll say it again. She's gone." Emira looks at me with a softer expression when Edric stands and starts looking around the basement.

"You two can do what you want but I want to stay with Amity." Em rolls her eyes and get's up to help Ed. There's something telling me that's she's not dead, something isn't right for say. I check around where the bullet supposedly shot.

I look carefully but relief pours over me when I don't see any bullet holes around her heart. The next question rises now, where did the bullet hit? I check around avoiding to touch any open wounds, when I find it, It shot through right under her lungs.

I relax a ton and try looking for anywhere a pulse is yet I still find nothing. I'm about to check again when I feel warmth starting to fill me again, I hold my breath and rest my hand over her heart and... it's beating.

I almost yell in happiness feeling over again just to make sure I'm not imagining it and I'm not, her heart is beating, slow but beating. I breath a sigh of relief and that's when sharp pains start to strike but I ignore them watching Amity.

I'm sitting watching her when her chest starts to rise and fall. I'm ecstatic at this point all worry fading now knowing she's alive. I start tapping my legs sitting on my knees just so I don't fling myself at her and after about a minute her eyes flutter open.

At this point I can't hold it in any longer and I start crying and I wrap my arms around her. "Ow, careful" I back myself up worried I hurt her to much and she looks over at me. "Hey, Luz, wasn't ready to leave you yet."

I smile at her poor attempt at a joke and she gives a small smile back, I turn to the twins and call them over. They look unamused until they see Amity "your alive?!" The two of them say this in unison and Amity gives a nod.

"I'd help you all but I can't really in my state" the two of them shake their heads "we'll get us out of here, Luz you going to help?" I shake my head "like I said before, I'm staying with Amity" I give them a playful stare and they get to work.

I turn to Amity and she turns her head to me "don't ever scare me like that again" I look her dead in the eyes and she gives an upset look and nods. I look around and spot some shreds of her pants and I grab it and bring it back over.

"Do you mind if I wrap that for you?" I point to the slash on her arm and she nods and lifts her arm to me. I wrap it gently and firmly at the same time wanting to keep blood form spilling more while not wanting to hurt her.

"There, to lose? To tight?" she sakes her head "no, it's perfect." I'm sitting with her when we hear those dreaded heals again and time seems to stop and a symbol prints in my mind. I grab my pencil from my back pocket and sketch it on the floor.

I feel Amity's eyes on me and I feel the confusion flowing through our bond, "what are you doing?' after I finish it I look at her "no clue this just popped into my mind and something told me I had to draw it."

I hear the door being unlocked and suddenly I tap it. I glows and disappears from the floor and soon it's a fireball in my hand. I have no time to be amazed when their mother walks in and her eyes widen. "How are you alive?!"

She glares at Amity then her eyes focus on me, "how are you holding that?" I just shrug still in awe over it. She starts to near me anger flaring in her eyes and I can't stop myself from throwing it down and it flares up a little.

She stops in her tracks and glares at me, I lower myself and I draw another one. "Get any closer and I won't miss this time." Her face changes to a scowl and her attention flicks to Amity. "Get near her and I'll throw that dagger through the flame at you."

I point to the one I removed from my shoulder and hover my hand above the symbol I drew, ready to tap it if she nears me or Amity. She doesn't seem to listen to my warning because she closes in on Amity holding something else now.

I tap it and grab the dagger standing in front of Amity keeping my eyes locked on her every movement, daring her to get any closer. I notice Emira coming up behind her so I keep her distracted on me hoping she wont notice her.

Emira grabs the weapon she was holding an throws it to the other side of the room and that's when she tries to go after me and luckily I have the flame already so I fling it at her hitting her in the leg. Once it hits her the panic settles in and she tries to put it out.

That's when I turn to Amity and offer her my hand to help her up but with the blood loss and injury's she struggles and can't. I try and think of something when I remember I have the dagger, I throw it at Amity's mother hitting her right in the leg.

I lean down to Amity and pick her up bridal style and get to the door with the twins following. We make it up the stairs when we hear a very angry yell from the basement, we make it out the door not looking back. We get outside and it's dark. The twins call Eda and tell her to hurry, and thankfully it doesn't take long for her to get here and we head through the portal back in Amity's house.

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