Rainy Day

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Luz P.O.V

I silently watch her with the little light coming through the windows waiting for anything else. "Luz, I know I haven't told you about my family. Well parents but, I'll let you know now, my mother is a horrible witch. She fakes it for the media but when it comes to me."

She freezes and turns her head the other way "hey, whenever your ready to talk about it, I'm here to listen" I notice a slight movement in her ears and she seems to relax a little "thanks, Luz, it means a lot."

She says this quietly and pauses before talking again "and sorry for coming here without notice" she seems embarrassed saying this and I can't help a chuckle from escaping "Amity, your always welcome here. Just give me a heads up first."

She sits herself up wiping her eyes slightly and gives me a soft smile "dose someone need a hug?" Amity gives me a look as I out stretch my arms for her but she fails to keep the act and walks over to me and snuggles into my embrace.

"You want something to eat?" I ask her this softly while stroking her head "yeah, but your power's out, what can you make with it out?" I think it over realizing the issue now "maybe just something quick? Let me go grab a flashlight I'll be right back."

I detach Amity from me and head to the laundry room and grab a flash light. I head back to the living room and there's light orbs around the room and kitchen. "Y'know, I totally forgot that you could do that."

Amity laughs a little "yeah you didn't ask but I figured it'd be easier than a flashlight" I nod and set the flashlight down and head to the kitchen and start looking around for something easy that I can make without power.

"Luz?" I turn to her with a questioning look "do you want your hoodie back?" "Nah you can wear it till you have to go" I give her a smile and she heads back to the couch. I turn back to what I'm doing when Amity calls me over.

I close the door and head over to her "whatcha need?" "Nothing but I'm guessing this is your art bag?" she holds up the bag I keep next to the couch, which, is my art bag. "Yeah, you can look in it if you want."

Amity nods and I sit next to her and take my phone out and scroll through it. I'm in the middle of reading something when I hear Amity cough next to me, "you alright?" I look at her seeing a blush forming on her face.

I'm confused until she turns the sketch book facing me and I instantly turn red "I-" I look between her and the sketch pad "I can't make an excuse up for that" Amity sets it back down and pushes herself next to me.

"So, how long has this little crush really been going on?" she playfully says this while leaning on me. "Amity, stoop" I turn my head and cover my face and I hear her laugh, she takes a second before she wraps her arms around my waist.

I look down at her and she looks back up at me and I get an idea "Amity, wanna play in the rain?" She looks at me questioning look "it's not boiling and there's no painbows after right?" I look at her confused before I respond "no?"

"On the isles we don't really have weather, we have boiling rain, painbows they turn you inside out, plagues. Need more on why I asked?" I just shake my head and she stands up dismissing the light orbs and waiting for me.

"Since it's such a heavy down pour you might want to change into something lighter" she looks at me then takes my hoodie off and sets it on the couch. I look at her outfit and long sleeve and pants will get heavy and cold.

I tell her I'll be right back and grab the flashlight and head to my room and grab shorts and a choice between a tank top and short sleeve shirt, "here, this'll be better for the rain" I hand it to her and draws a circle in the air and just like that her clothes are switched.

"Okay, you wanna head outside?" Amity nods and I open the front door and we sit on the porch for a minute watching the rain. "So, when is your power coming back on?" I turn to her and she gives me a questioning look.

"Most likely when the storm eases up a little, so we may be without power for a while" she nods and heads over to where the water if pouring off the roof "You can put your hand under it y'know" Amity looks back at me and just shakes her head.

"I know you say it's safe but I can't help but worry that it'll burn" I look at her and give her a smile "here, I'll show you it's safe." I stand up and walk out into the rain showing her it's alright, but then thunder booms and I jump.

While I'm calming down I hear Amity laughing a little, I look over at her and I end up fixated on it and she walks to the edge of the porch. "Come on Amity, it won't hurt ya" she quirks a brow at me then draws a circle causing an orb to appear over her.

She steps out from under the awning and she stays dry, "hey that's not fair" I look at her and cross my arms pouting. "Well this way I can get use to it before getting wet" she sticks her arm out into the rain and stands there for a second when I get an idea.

A smirk appears on my face and I come up to her, "Amity, I wanna hug" she looks at me with a look "like that?" I nod and before she can react I pull her into a hug. "Luz! I'm soaked now!" I laugh as she removes to spell and chases after me.

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